SM64 ROM Manager (Info & Download) (58 replies)
Introduce Yourselves (56 replies)
SM64 Paint (32 replies)
Super Mario Lost Worlds (22 replies)
Miscellaneous ASM Patches (18 replies)
Web-based ROM patcher (APS, BPS, IPS, MOD/Star Rod, PPF, UPS, VCDiff/xdelta) (13 replies)
SM64 Fast3D Anti-Aliasing Reducer (12 replies)
Bounce Tales 64 (11 replies)
m64 format documentation (11 replies)
Problems With ROM Extender, Editor, and Importer (SOLVED!) (10 replies)
SM64 Community Hack Project (10 replies)
A logo (10 replies)
Super Mario 64 Asset Packs (9 replies)
Super Mario DS 64 (9 replies)
[Solved] Star Limit? (8 replies)
SM64 ROM Manager (Info & Download) (185,108 views)
Introduce Yourselves (104,457 views)
Web-based ROM patcher (APS, BPS, IPS, MOD/Star Rod, PPF, UPS, VCDiff/xdelta) (89,649 views)
Web-based N64 ROM byteswapper (.n64/.v64 to .z64) (51,771 views)
New Hack64 Discord Server (48,737 views)
SM64 Paint (46,375 views)
Super Mario Lost Worlds (39,683 views)
Miscellaneous ASM Patches (33,651 views)
Quad64 v0.2 (Beta Build 5) (32,105 views)
Project64 Debugger (31,783 views)
Super Mario 64 Randomizer Program [v0.6.0] (29,853 views)
Bounce Tales 64 (29,300 views)
Super Mario DS 64 (29,232 views)
A logo (28,067 views)
SM64Paint: A Graphics Editor for SM64 (27,166 views)