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This is an archive format used to organize game assets. It has the file extension .big.

The header takes up the first 0x10 bytes of the archive.

0x044Size of the archive
0x084Number of files
0x0C4Size of the index table

Following the header is the index table.

Index table entry

Each file in the archive has an entry in the index table.

0x004offset in archive
0x044Size of the file
  • The filename is an ascii string that has a null terminator, and there seems to be no hard limit on the length.
  • If the first two bytes of the file start with 0x10FB, then that data is compressed with the EAHD format.


  • The main BIGF archive within Supercross 2000 takes up 91% of the N64 ROM at about 14.56 MB
supercross_2000/bigf.txt · Last modified: 2019/07/14 04:06 by David