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Mission Impossible

Scratch page for ROM of the Month

SDK Functions

80072CA0 alHeapInit
80072CE0 alHeapDBAlloc
80072D30 alSynNew
80072FFC alAudioFrame
800731AC __allocParam
800731D8 __freeParam
800731F0 _collectPVoices
80073244 _freePVoice
800732CC _timeToSamples
800733C0 alSynDelete
800733D0 alSynAddPlayer
80073420 alSynAllocVoice
80073548 _allocatePVoice
80073600 alSynStopVoice
80073680 alSynStartVoice
80073720 alSynSetPitch
800737B0 alSynSetVol
80073900 alSynSetPan
80073990 alSynAllocFX
80073A30 _nsqrtf
80073A40 __cosf
80073B90 coss
80073BC0 guLookAtF
80073F40 guLookAt
8007462C guMtxXFMF
80074790 guPerspectiveF
80074940 guPerspective
80074BF0 __sinf
80074D90 sins
80074EC0 guRandom
80074EF0 osAiGetLength
80074F00 osAiSetFrequency
800750D0 osViSetSpecialFeatures
80075240 osViBlack
800752A0 osContSetCh
80075300 osEepromProbe
80075680 osPfsInitPak
80075F70 osCreatePiManager
80075F78 __Dom2SpeedParam
80075F8C __osPiTable
80075F90 __osCurrentHandle
80076100 __osEPiRawStartDma
800762D0 __osDevMgrMain
80076690 __osSiCreateAccessQueue
80076692 __osBbFatBlock
80076694 __osSiAccessQueue
80076698 __osPiAccessQueue
800766E4 __osSiGetAccess
80076750 __osPiRelAccess
80076780 osPiStartDma
80076830 strchr
80076870 strlen
80076894 memcpy
800768C0 sprintf
80076A00 __osDisableInt
80076A20 __osRestoreInt
80076AA0 osSetIntMask
80076BC0 osWritebackDCacheAll
80076BF0 osCreateMesgQueue
80076C20 osCreateThread
80076CF0 osGetThreadPri
80076D10 osGetTime
80076DA0 osJamMesg
80076EE0 osRecvMesg
80077010 __osResetGlobalIntMask
80077060 osSendMesg
80077190 fbPixel
800771F0 __osSetGlobalIntMask
80077230 osSetThreadPri
800773A0 osStartThread
800774C0 __osDequeueThread
800774C8 __osRunQueue
800774CC __osActiveQueue
800774D0 __osRunningThread
800774D4 __osFaultedThread
80077500 __osTimerServicesInit
80077504 __osProfileOverflowBin
80077508 __osCurrentTime
80077554 __osTimerInterrupt
80077800 osVirtualToPhysical
80077860 osYieldThread
800778C0 osCreateScheduler
80077A08 osScAddClient
80077A60 osScRemoveClient
80077AF0 osScGetCmdQ
800791E0 osContStartReadData
80079268 osContGetReadData
800793C0 osContInit
800793C1 __osContLastCmd
800793C4 __osEepromTimerMsg
800793C8 __osEepromTimer
800793D0 __osContPifRam
800798F0 osPfsIsPlug
80079900 __osPfsPifRam
80079A6C __osPfsRequestData
80079B10 __osPfsGetInitData
8007A910 _init_lpfilter
8007A9B4 alFxNew
8007B140 alAdpcmPull
8007B584 alRaw16Pull
8007B920 alLoadParam
8007BC50 alAuxBusPull
8007BD2C alAuxBusParam
8007CA90 alFilterNew
8007CAB0 alMainBusPull
8007CBF0 alMainBusParam
8007CC20 alResamplePull
8007CE0C alResampleParam
8007DBD0 __udiv_w_sdiv
8007DBE0 alCopy
8007DC20 __osAiDeviceBusy
8007DC40 osDpSetNextBuffer
8007DCE0 osSpTaskLoad
8007DEEC osSpTaskStartGo
8007DF20 osSpTaskYield
8007DF40 osSpTaskYielded
8007DF90 __osViInit
8007DFF0 __osViCurr
8007DFF4 __osViNext
8007E0A0 osViGetNextFramebuffer
8007E120 osCreateViManager
8007E13C __additional_scanline
8007E450 osViSetEvent
8007E4B0 osViSetMode
8007E500 osViSwapBuffer
8007E840 __osSpRawWriteIo
8007E8D0 __osSpRawReadIo
8007FD74 __osPiRawWriteIo
8007FDE0 __osPiRawStartDma
8007FEB0 osPiGetCmdQueue
8007FEC0 __osGetActiveQueue
80080650 _bcopy
80080970 _bzero
80080A10 _Printf
80081460 osGetCount
80081470 __osGetSR
80081500 __osProbeTLB
800815C0 __osSetCompare
800815D0 __osSetFpcCsr
800815E0 __osSetSR
800815F0 osMapTLBRdb
80081650 osDestroyThread
80081720 __osDpDeviceBusy
80081740 __osSpDeviceBusy
80081760 __osSpGetStatus
80081770 __osSpSetStatus
80081780 __osSpSetPc
800817B0 __osSpRawStartDma
800818B0 __osGetCurrFaultedThread
800818C0 __osSiDeviceBusy
800818E0 _Litob
80081B30 _Ldtob
800825C0 ldiv
80082644 lldiv

"Burp" Headers

Burp headers describe a series of compressed or uncompressed data blocks in ROM.

struct BurpBlock
    uint32_t dstSize;
    uint32_t srcSize;
    uint32_t unk08;  // seems unused
    uint32_t offset; // relative to start of BurpHeader
    uint32_t unk10;  // 0x00000000 when dst and src are the same size, otherwise 0x04000000

struct BurpHeader
    char      signature[4];  // "Burp"
    uint32_t  numBlocks;
    struct BurpBlock blocks[];

Map of all burp headers:

Level Objects

struct Object {
    /*0x00*/ void *unk00;
    /*0x04*/ void *unk04;
    /*0x08*/ u32   unk08;
    /*0x0C*/ u32   unk0C;
    /*0x10*/ u8    unk10[2];
    /*0x12*/ u16   unk12; // unioned with two u8's
    /*0x14*/ u16   unk14;
    /*0x16*/ u16   unk16;
    /*0x18*/ float posX;
    /*0x1C*/ float posY;
    /*0x20*/ float posZ;
    /*0x24*/ u8    unk24[0x0E];
    /*0x32*/ u16   unk16;
    /*0x34*/ u8    unk34[0x0C]
    /*0x40*/ float rotX;
    /*0x44*/ float rotY;
    /*0x48*/ float rotZ;
    /*0x4C*/ s32   timer;    // copied from gFrameCount
    /*0x50*/ u8    unk50[2]; // player: FFFF
    /*0x52*/ u16   unk52;    // some flags? unsetting bit 5 makes object invisible
    /*0x54*/ s32   unk54;    // maybe an animation counter, but locking it seems to have no effect
    /*0x58*/ u8    unk58[4]; // 003d0900 for player object
    /*0x5C*/ s32   unk5C;
    /*0x60*/ struct Object *unk60;
    /*0x64*/ u8    unk64[4];
    /*0x68*/ s16   unk68; // 0x0004 for player object
    /*0x68*/ s16   unk6A; // 0x0005 for player object 
    /*0x6C*/ s32   unk6C;
    /*0x70*/ u8    unk70[8];
    /*0x78*/ u16   unk78;
    /*0x7A*/ u16   unk7A;
    /*0x7C*/ u8    unk7C[4]; // 00058800 for player object
/*80086190*/ struct Object *gLevelObjects;
/*80093840*/ s16 gNumLevelObjects;
mission_impossible.1559636052.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/04 08:14 by shygoo