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MSBT Formatting


Icons are used as follows <icon src="[insert icon]"/>

The following can be inserted:

abutton, bbutton, cbutton, wiimote, nunchuck, 1button, 2button, star, 
launchstar, pullstar, pointer, starbit1, coconut, arrowdown, bunny, 
analogstick, xmark, coin, mario, dpad, pullstarchip, launchstarchip, 
homebutton, -button, +button, zbutton, silverstar, grandstar, luigi, 
copointer, purplecoin, greencomet, goldcrown, crosshair, unknown1, 
bowser, hand1, hand2, hand3, starbit2, peach, letter, questionmark1, 
unknown2, 1up, lifemushroom, hungryluma, luma, comet, questionmark2, 
stopwatch, masterluma, yoshi, cometmedal, silvercrown1, flower, flag, 
emptystar, emptymedalcoin, emptycomet, emptysecretstar, bronzestar, 
blimpfruit, silvercrown2, bronzegrandstar, topman, goomba, coins, 
dpadup, dpaddown, columa, toad, bronzecomet...

…And here are the icons in order.

Text Formatting

Various tags for formatting text.


Different tags for defining text colour. To return text colour to normal, one should have the <font color="black"/> tag at the end. For example:

This text is <font color="red"/>red<font color="black"/>.

These are all possible tags for colour.

<font color="red"/>
<font color="blue"/>
<font color="green"/>
<font color="yellow"/>
<font color="orange"/>
<font color="purple"/>
<font color="black"/>
<font color="gray"/>
<font color="none"/>

Text Size

Text size in SMG2 can either be small, large or medium. These are the separate tags for each text size.

<font size="small"/>
<font size="medium"/>
<font size="large"/>

Miscelaneous Formatting

Tag Purpose
<newpage/> All text after this tag will be sent to the next page.
<character/> Displays the character's name (either Mario or Luigi).
<wait time=“X”/> Wait time in frames per second. I.e. 60 = 1 second.
<variable data=“XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX” parameter=“Y” type=“integer”/> Variable.
<variable data=“XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX” parameter=“Y” type=“string”/> Variable.

Sound Effects

Text in SMG2 can trigger sound effects. Here is a list of known sound effects that can be activated during text. Simply adding one if these tags will trigger the sound as the text is read. There are currently still many unknkown sounds that can be used.

<sound src="SE_BV_KOOPA_UGUGU"/>
<sound src="SE_BV_KOOPA_TLK_CALM"/>
<sound src="SE_BV_KOOPA_TLK_REGRET"/>
<sound src="SE_BV_KOOPA_TLK_EXCITED"/>
<sound src="SE_BV_KOOPA_OP_DEMO_LAUGH"/>
<sound src="SE_BV_KOOPA_TLK_NORMAL"/>
<sound src="SE_BV_KOOPA_TLK_EXCITED"/>
<sound src="SE_BV_KOOPA_UAAA"/>
<sound src="SE_BV_KOOPA_TLK_REGRET"/>
<sound src="SE_BV_KOOPA_OP_DEMO_LAUGH"/>
<sound src="SE_BV_KOOPA_BURN_RUN"/>
<sound src="SE_SY_OP_D_KOOPA_SPEAK1"/>
<sound src="SE_SY_OP_D_KOOPA_SPEAK2"/>
<sound src="SE_SY_OP_D_KOOPA_LAUGH_LONG"/>
<sound src="SE_SY_OP_D_KOOPA_SPEAK3"/>
<sound src="SE_SY_OP_D_KOOPA_SPEAK4"/>
<sound src="SE_SY_OP_D_KOOPA_SPEAK2_2"/>
<sound src="SE_SY_OP_D_KOOPA_SPEAK_2_3"/>
<sound src="SE_SY_OP_D_KOOPA_SPEAK5"/>
<sound src="SE_SY_OP_D_KOOPA_SPEAK6"/>
<sound src="SE_SY_OP_D_KOOPA_SPEAK7"/>
<sound src="SE_SY_OP_D_KOOPA_LAUGH"/>
<sound src="SE_SV_D_MEISTER_WE_HAVE_TO_GO"/>
<sound src="SE_DM_V_KPA_MEISTER_VO1"/>
<sound src="SE_DM_V_KPA_MEISTER_VO2"/>
<sound src="SE_DM_V_KPA_MEISTER_VO3"/>
<sound src="SE_DM_V_KPA_MEISTER_VO4"/>
<sound src="SE_DM_V_KPA_MEISTER_VO5"/>
<sound src="SE_DM_V_KPA_MEISTER_VO6"/>
<sound src="SE_DM_V_KPA_MEISTER_VO7"/>
<sound src="SE_DM_V_KPA_MEISTER_VO8"/>
<sound src="SE_SY_COIN"/>
<sound src="SE_SV_TICOFAT_META"/> = Hungry Luma "TRAAAANSSSFOOOORMMM" Noise
<sound src="SE_DM_V_ED_BABY_TICO_CALL_MOM"/>
<sound src="SE_DM_V_ED_BABY_TICO_TO_MARIO1"/>
<sound src="SE_DM_V_ED_BABY_TICO_TO_MARIO2"/>
<sound src="SE_DM_V_ED_BABY_TICO_TO_MARIO3"/>
<sound src="SE_DM_V_ED_ROS_TALK_BREATH1"/>
<sound src="SE_DM_V_ED_ROS_WORRIED"/>
<sound src="SE_DM_V_ED_ROS_TALK_SHORT1"/>
<sound src="SE_DM_V_ED_ROS_APPEAR_YES"/>
<sound src="SE_DM_V_ED_ROS_BREATH_TO_MR"/>
<sound src="SE_DM_V_ED_ROS_THANK_YOU"/>
<sound src="SE_DM_V_ED_LOOK_UP_AT_ROSETTA"/>

Here is a list of known sound effects that can be triggered when the integer in the <unknown0> tag is changed. If the integer is not shown in the list, it is either blank or unknown. **The following was documented by Super Hackio.

1 = Used by many (Whittle, Dreamer, Rosalina, etc.)

2 = Hey! (Toad)
3 = Yahoo! (Toad)
4 = Ow. (Toad)
5 = Oh no. (Toad)
6 = Haaa llo. (Toad)
7 = Snore (Toad)
8 = Welcome! (Toad)
9 = Really? (Toad)
10 = Hold up! (Toad)
11 = Whoa! (Toad)
12 = Heeelp! (Toad)
13 = Oh... eee... (Toad)
14 = Hey! *Important* (Toad)
15 = Look out! (Toad)
16 = Wow. (Toad)
17 = Hey! (Toad + Odd noise)
18 = Hey! (Toad)
19 = Oh no. (Toad)
20 = Yah naah. (Toad)
21 = Mail Toad (Toad)
22 = OH GOD! (Toad)
23 = Huh...? (Toad)
24 = Heh--! (Toad)

25 = Normal (Rabbit)
26 = Sad (Rabbit)
27 = Happy (Rabbit)
28 = Very High Pitch (Rabbit)
29 = Normal (Rabbit)

30 = Quack quack quack quack. (Penguin Coach)
31 = Waah! Quack-quack-quack. (Penguin Coach)
32 = Aaa... Waah waah. (Penguin Coach)
33 = Quack-quack quack-quack! *bit happy* (Penguin Coach)
34 = Quack... *very quiet* (Penguin Coach)
35 = Waah? *quiet* Quack-quack-quack-quack. (Penguin Coach)
36 = Waah? Quaaack quack-quack-quack! *happy* (Penguin Coach)
37 = Waah? Quaaack quack-quack. (Penguin Coach)
38 = Waah? Quack quack quack quack. (Penguin Coach)
39 = Waah. (Penguin Coach)

40 = Single chirp. (Penguin)
41 = Quack quack. (Penguin)
42 = Quack quack. *higher pitch and faster* (Penguin)
43 = Double chirp. (Penguin)
44 = Slow chirp. (Penguin)
45 = Happy, high pitch chirp. (Penguin)
46 = Double chirp. (Penguin)
47 = Slow chirp. (Penguin)
48 = Whimper chirp. (Penguin)
49 = Laugh (Penguin)
50 = Haa haa (Penguin)
51 = Screech (Penguin)
52 = Chirp (Penguin)
53 = Low chirp (Penguin)
54 = Laugh (Penguin)
55 = Haa haa (Penguin)

62 = Bee bee. (Honey Bee)
63 = Beee! *crazy* (Honey Bee)
64 = Bee. (Honey Bee)
65 = Nya nya nya. (Honey Bee)
66 = Bee bee. (Honey Bee)
67 = Giggling (Honey Bee)
68 = Bee bee! (Honey Bee)
69 = Nyeha nyeha... (Honey Bee)

70 = Woo woo! (Luma)
71 = Hooo! (Luma)
72 = Hoohoohoo! *high pitch* (Luma)
73 = Hoo... *sad* (Luma)
74 = Hoohoohoo... (Luma)
75 = Woo. *deep* (Luma)
76 = Hoohoohoo... *slow* (Luma)
77 = Hooo! *happy* (Luma)
78 = Hooo! (Luma)
79 = Woo woo! (Luma)

84 = Hey (Luigi)
85 = Starshroom Whistle

86 = 2 beeps (Gearmo)
87 = 5 beeps (Gearmo)
88 = 6 beeps (Gearmo)
89 = 4 beeps (Gearmo)

99 = Hiii! (Toad)
100 = Ha ha! (Toad)

108 = Oh ha ha. (Penguru)
109 = Aaahhhhhh... (Penguru)
110 = Uhhh... huhhh... huh (Penguru)
111 = Uhhh... huhhh... (Penguru)

113 = Yeah (Luigi)

150 = Woo woo. (Big Luma)
151 = Hooo! (Big Luma)
152 = Hoohoohoo... (Big Luma)

All of the Pianta sounds have the same tone. Just the pitch of the noise they make (interested, happy) are different.
161 = Pianta
162 = Pianta
163 = Pianta
164 = Pianta
165 = Pianta
166 = Pianta

190 = Dreamer
191 = Dreamer
192 = Thank you (From Peach)
super_mario_galaxy_2/msbt_formatting.1538749053.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/05 14:17 by Froggo