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Miscellaneous Tutorials

A collection of miscellaneous tutorials for SMG2.

Boss Blitz Bosses: Spawning Power Stars

In Super Mario Galaxy 2's own Boss Blitz Galaxy KingOfKingsGalaxy there are 5 bosses that have been ported from Super Mario Galaxy. Of these 5, 4 cannot normally spawn a power star, the exception being Fiery Dino Piranha. Three of these bosses have the same setup, the other being King Kaliente, which requires a special setup.

First, you'll need to add the boss and everything it requires. This is different depending on the boss. I.e. Major Burrows requires a path and a DodoryuClosedArea.

Second, you'll need to add an Extermination Checker (Power Star) [ExterminationPowerStar]* object with a unique ID (I_id). This ID (I_id) must match that of the boss' Parent Group ID.

Finally, the AppearPowerStarObj in ScenarioData must be set to “全滅監視チェッカー[パワースター]”.

King Kaliente

As stated above, King Kaliente requires a unique setup. For whatever reason, he cannot spawn a power star at all. To make him spawn a power star he requires the following setup:


  • King Kaliente with his normal setup [OtaKing]
  • Death Area [DeathArea]
  • Extermination Checker (Power Star) [ExterminationPowerStar]*
  • Goombeetle [Metbo]
  • Power Star [PowerStar]
  • An oven (Optional)

King Kaliente should have his SW_DEAD set to what the Death Area's SW_APPEAR is. The Goombeetle [Metbo] should at the same position as the Death Area. The Goombeetle's Parent Group ID should be identical to the ID (I_id) of the Extermination Checker (Power Star) which must be unique. Once that is all set up, the AppearPowerStarObj in ScenarioData should be set to 全滅監視チェッカー[パワースター].

*Optional: It may look better if you set the Extermination Checker (Power Star)'s obj_arg2 to 0. This will remove the counter

Moving Galaxies

Moving a galaxy, also known as porting a galaxy is quite simple. You'll need yaz0dec, yaz0enc, the galaxy's stage files, Whitehole 1.4.3+ and any hex editor. To start off, you'll need to decrypt the scenario file (I.e. RedBlueExGalaxyScenario.arc). Simply drag it onto yaz0dec.exe and it will decrypt. Your next step is to get the hash of the galaxy. This is done via Whitehole's hash generator (click it to open it). Simply input the internal name of your galaxy and it will spit out the hash of your galaxy. You will need to do this twice, once for the galaxy you are currently in, and once for the galaxy, you are moving to. In this example, I will be moving RedBlueExGalaxy [4B1E172E] to HomeCenterGalaxy [9DA23E64]. You should now open the decrypted Scenario file in a hex editor. Search* for the galaxy you are in now's hash and replace it with the hash of the galaxy you are moving to. You should now save and close the hex editor. Re-encode the Scenario file with yaz0enc (drag and drop) and rename all of the galaxy's files. I.e RedBlueExGalaxyScenario.arc becomes HomeCenterGalaxyScenario.arc. Once you have renamed the files, you must now replace all the files in the galaxy you are moving to's folder in /StageData/. This next step is important. You must now open the newly moved galaxy's ZoneList and change the name of the galaxy. This is what the table should look like before and after:


[Other zones if added before moving]


[Other zones if added before moving]
super_mario_galaxy_2/miscelaneous_tutorials.1538811509.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/06 07:38 by Froggo