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Collision Data

Collision data is loaded from a segmented pointer using the level script command 0x2E for levels, and behavior command 0x2A for objects. Special 3D objects and water box collision are also loaded in the level collision loading routine.

Collision Loading Routine

1.) The collision data always starts with the two bytes: [ 00 40 ]
2.) The next two bytes define the number of vertices in the collision data. The vertices follow after this.

    For each vertex: 
        a.) 6 bytes will follow defining the XYZ position: [ XX XX YY YY ZZ ZZ ] 
            (All XYZ positions are signed shorts)
3.) The next two bytes define the collision type: [ 00 CC ]
    The two bytes after that is the number of triangles for that type.
    For each following triangle:
        a.) Either 6 or 8 bytes will follow depending on if the collision type has 
        special parameters (see collision type list below).
        b.) The first 6 bytes define the three indices used to draw the triangles.
        Example: [ 00 00 ] [ 00 01 ] [ 00 02 ], will draw a triangle with the first, second, 
        and third vertex in the vertices list above.
        c.) If the collision type has special parameters, then the next 2 bytes define them. 
        What they do is dependent on the collision type.
    (Keep looping step 3 until [ 00 41 ] is reached for collision type)
4.) (Only for level collision data)
    If the two bytes [ 00 43 ] are encountered, then special macro objects will be defined.
    The two bytes after the [ 00 43 ] define the number of special objects to be added.
    For each following special macro object:
        a.) Either 8, 10, or 12 bytes will follow depending on the object's special preset.
        b.) The first 2 bytes are the special preset. This corresponds to an entry in the special
        3d objects preset list, where the Model ID and behavior is defined. This list starts at
        ROM address 0xED350 in the US ROM. More info can be found here:
        c.) The next 6 bytes define the XYZ position of the object: [ XX XX YY YY ZZ ZZ ]
        d.) If the object is 10 or 12 bytes, then the next 2 bytes will define the Y rotation.
        e.) If the object is 12 bytes, then the last 2 bytes define extra parameters
5.) (Only for level collision data)
    If the two bytes [ 00 44 ] are encountered, then water box collision will be defined.
    The two bytes after the [ 00 44 ] define the number of water boxes to be added.
    For each following water box:
        a.) Each water box will be 12 bytes long.
        b.) The first 2 bytes define the id of the water box (signed short). This id also 
            seems to define what the water box will do. 
            * If the id is smaller than 0x32 (including negative numbers), then it will be water. 
            * If the id is equal to 0x32 or 0xF0, then it will be toxic haze. 
            * If its greater than 0x32 and is not a toxic haze value like 0xF0, then it 
              will have no effect on Mario.
        c.) The next 4 bytes define the XZ coordinates for the first end-point of the water box:
            [X1 X1] [Z1 Z1] (Both signed shorts)
        c.) The next 4 bytes define the XZ coordinates for the second end-point of the water box:
            [X2 X2] [Z2 Z2] (Both signed shorts)
        d.) The last 2 bytes define the Y coordinate, representing how tall the water box should be:
            [YY YY] (Signed short)
6.) The collision data ends with the final two bytes: [ 00 42 ]

Collision Types

Collision Type Description Special Parameters (if it has any)
0x00 Environment default N/A
0x01 Burn / Frostbite N/A
0x0A Death floor N/A
0x0B Close camera N/A
0x0D Water N/A
0x0E Water (flowing) Water torrent force and rotation
0x12 ?? Freezes game N/A
0x13 Slippery N/A
0x14 Slippery (slightly) N/A
0x15 Anti-slippery N/A
0x1B Instant warp to area 1 (see Level script command 0x28) N/A
0x1C Instant warp to area 2 N/A
0x1D Instant warp to area 3 N/A
0x1E Instant warp to area 4 N/A
0x21 Sand N/A
0x22 Quicksand (lethal, slow) N/A
0x23 Quicksand (lethal, instant) N/A
0x24 Moving sand (flowing) Moving sand direction and force
0x26 Moving sand N/A
0x27 Moving sand (flowing) 2 Moving sand direction and force
0x28 Wall / Fence N/A
0x29 Grass N/A
0x2A Un-climbable hill N/A
0x2C Wind Wind direction
0x2D Quicksand (lethal, flowing) Moving sand direction and force
0x2E Slippery Ice (CCM slide) N/A
0x2F Look up and warp (Wing cap entrance) N/A
0x30 Hard floor N/A
0x32 Death at bottom (alternate) N/A
0x33 Timer start (Peach's secret slide) N/A
0x34 Timer stop (Peach's secret slide) N/A
0x35 Solid and slippery (snow / sand) N/A
0x36 Snow / ice N/A
0x37 Non-slippery areas in ice levels N/A
0x38 Death at bottom with wind N/A
0x65 Wide camera (BOB) N/A
0x66 Walls in THI area 3 N/A
0x6E Step on 4 to make Pyramid top explode N/A
0x6F Camera-related (Bowser 1) N/A
0x70 Camera-related (BOB) N/A
0x72 Inaccessible Area N/A
0x75 Camera-related (CCM) N/A
0x76 Wooden log / breakable boxes N/A
0x79 Solid floor in slide terrain N/A
0x7A Activate switches N/A
0x7B Vanish cap walls N/A
0xA6 Painting wobble (BoB 1) N/A
0xA7 Painting wobble (BoB 2) N/A
0xA8 Painting wobble (BoB 3) N/A
0xA9 Painting wobble (CCM 1) N/A
0xAA Painting wobble (CCM 2) N/A
0xAB Painting wobble (CCM 3) N/A
0xAC Painting wobble (WF 1) N/A
0xAD Painting wobble (WF 2) N/A
0xAE Painting wobble (WF 3) N/A
0xAF Painting wobble (JRB 1) N/A
0xB0 Painting wobble (JRB 2) N/A
0xB1 Painting wobble (JRB 3) N/A
0xB2 Painting wobble (LLL 1) N/A
0xB3 Painting wobble (LLL 2) N/A
0xB4 Painting wobble (LLL 3) N/A
0xB5 Painting wobble (SSL 1) N/A
0xB6 Painting wobble (SSL 2) N/A
0xB7 Painting wobble (SSL 3) N/A
0xB8 Painting wobble (?) N/A
0xB9 Painting wobble (?) N/A
0xBA Painting wobble (?) N/A
0xBB Painting wobble (BFS?) N/A
0xBC Painting wobble (BFS?) N/A
0xBD Painting wobble (BFS?) N/A
0xBE Painting wobble (WDW 1) N/A
0xBF Painting wobble (WDW 2) N/A
0xC0 Painting wobble (WDW 3) N/A
0xC1 Painting wobble (THI t 1) N/A
0xC2 Painting wobble (THI t 2) N/A
0xC3 Painting wobble (THI t 3) N/A
0xC4 Painting wobble (TTM 1) N/A
0xC5 Painting wobble (TTM 2) N/A
0xC6 Painting wobble (TTM 3) N/A
0xC7 Painting wobble (?) N/A
0xC8 Painting wobble (?) N/A
0xC9 Painting wobble (?) N/A
0xCA Painting wobble (SML 1, unused) N/A
0xCB Painting wobble (SML 2, unused) N/A
0xCC Painting wobble (SML 3, unused) N/A
0xCD Painting wobble (THI h 1) N/A
0xCE Painting wobble (THI h 2) N/A
0xCF Painting wobble (THI h 3) N/A
0xD0 Painting wobble (Metal cap?) N/A
0xD1 Painting wobble (Metal cap?) N/A
0xD2 Painting wobble (Metal cap?) N/A
0xD3 Horizontal level entrance (still have to label these) N/A
0xD4 Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xD5 Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xD6 Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xD7 Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xD8 Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xD9 Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xDA Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xDB Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xDC Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xDD Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xDE Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xDF Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xF0 Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xF1 Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xF2 Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xF3 Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xF4 Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xF5 Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xF6 Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xF7 Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xF8 Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xF9 Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xFA Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xFB Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xFC Horizontal level entrance () N/A
0xFD Pool warp (HMC) N/A
0xFF Bowser 1 trapdoor N/A
sm64/collision_data.1538808577.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/06 06:49 by David