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The main processor used by the Nintendo 64.

Information on this page that is specifically related to the Nintendo 64 is highlighted in green.


Command Definition Pseudo code
ADD rd, rs, rt Add rd = rs + rt
ADDU rd, rs, rt Add Unsigned rd = rs + rt
ADDI rt, rs, immediate1) Add Immediate rd = rs + immediate
ADDIU rt, rs, immediate Add Immediate Unsigned rd = rs + immediate
SUB rd, rs, rt Subtract rd = rs - rt
SUBU rd, rs, rt Subtract Unsigned rd = rs - rt
MULT rs, rt Multiply lo = rs * rt
MULTU rs, rt Multiply Unsigned lo = rs * rt
DIV rs, rt Divide lo = rs / rt; hi = rs % rt
DIVU rs, rt Divide Unsigned lo = rs / rt; hi = rs % rt
AND rd, rs, rt And rd = rs & rt
ANDI rt, rs, immediate And Immediate rt = rs & immediate
OR rd, rs, rt Or rd = rs | rt
ORI rt, rs, immediate Or Immediate rt = rs | immediate
XOR rd, rs, rt Exclusive Or rd = rs ^ rt
XORI rt, rs, immediate Exclusive Or Immediate rd = rs ^ immediate
NOR rd, rs, rt Nor rd = ~(rs | rt)
SLL rd, rt, sa2) Shift Left Logical rd = rt << sa
SLLV rd, rt, rs Shift Left Logical Variable rd = rt << rs
SRA rd, rt, sa Shift Right Arithmetic rd = (int32)rt >> sa
SRAV rd, rt, rs Shift Right Arithmetic Variable rd = (int32)rt >> rs
SRL rd, rt, sa Shift Right Logical rd = (uint32)rt >> sa
SRLV rd, rt, rs Shift Right Logical Variable rd = (uint32)rt >> rs
SLT rd, rs, rt Set On Less Than rd = (rs < rt) ? 1 : 0
SLTU rd, rs, rt Set On Less Than Unsigned rd = (rs < rt) ? 1 : 0
SLTI rt, rs, immediate Set On Less Than Immediate rt = (rs < immediate) ? 1 : 0
SLTIU rt, rs, immediate Set On Less Than Immediate Unsigned rt = (rs < immediate) ? 1 : 0
DADD rd, rs, rt Doubleword Add
DADDU rd, rs, rt Doubleword Add Unsigned
DADDI rt, rs, immediate Doubleword Add Immediate
DADDIU rt, rs, immediate Doubleword Add Immediate Unsigned
DSUB rd, rs, rt Doubleword Subtract
DSUBU rd, rs, rt Doubleword Subtract Unsigned
DMULT rs, rt Doubleword Multiply
DMULTU rs, rt Doubleword Multiply Unsigned
DDIV rs, rt Doubleword Divide
DDIVU rs, rt Doubleword Divide Unsigned
DSLL rd, rt, sa Doubleword Shift Left Logical
DSLL32 rd, rt, sa Doubleword Shift Left Logical + 32
DSLLV rd, rt, rs Doubleword Shift Left Logical Variable
DSRA rd, rt, sa Doubleword Shift Right Arithmetic
DSRA32 rd, rt, sa Doubleword Shift Right Arithmetic + 32
DSRAV rd, rt, rs Doubleword Shift Right Arithmetic Variable
DSRL rd, rt, sa Doubleword Shift Right Logical
DSRL32 rd, rt, sa Doubleword Shift Right Logical + 32
DSRLV rd, rt, rs Doubleword Shift Right Logical Variable
MFHI rd Move From HI rd = hi
MFLO rd Move From LO rd = lo
MTHI rs Move To HI hi = rs
MTLO rs Move To LO lo = rs
LUI rt, immediate Load Upper Immediate rt = immediate << 16
LB rt, offset(rs) Load Byte rt = *(int8*)(rs + offset)
LBU rt, offset(rs) Load Byte Unsigned rt = *(uint8*)(rs + offset)
LH rt, offset(rs) Load Halfword rt = *(int16*)(rs + offset)
LHU rt, offset(rs) Load Halfword Unsigned rt = *(uint16*)(rs + offset)
LW rt, offset(rs) Load Word rt = *(int32*)(rs + offset)
LWU rt, offset(rs) Load Word Unsigned rt = *(uint32*)(rs + offset)
LWC1 ft, offset(rs) Load Word To FPU (Coprocessor 1) ft = *(float*)(rs + offset)
LWL rt, offset(rs) Load Word Left
LWR rt, offset(rs) Load Word Right
LD rt, offset(rs) Load Doubleword rt = *(uint64*)(rs + offset)
LDC1 ft, offset(rs) Load Doubleword To FPU (Coprocessor 1) ft = *(double*)(rs + offset)
LDL rt, offset(rs) Load Doubleword Left
LDR rt, offset(rs) Load Doubleword Right
LL rt, offset(rs) Load Linked
LLD rt, offset(rs) Load Linked Doubleword
SB rt, offset(rs) Store Byte *(int8*)(rs + offset) = rt
SH rt, offset(rs) Store Halfword *(int16*)(rs + offset) = rt
SW rt, offset(rs) Store Word *(int32*)(rs + offset) = rt
SWC1 ft, offset(rs) Store Word From FPU (Coprocessor 1) *(float*)(rs + offset) = ft
SWL rt, offset(rs) Store Word Left
SWR rt, offset(rs) Store Word Right
SD rt, offset(rs) Store Doubleword *(int64*)(rs + offset) = rt
SDC1 ft, offset(rs) Store Doubleword From FPU (Coprocessor 1)
SDL rt, offset(rs) Store Doubleword Left
SDR rt, offset(rs) Store Doubleword Right
SC rt, offset(rs) Store Conditional
SCD rt, offset(rs) Store Conditional Doubleword
J target Jump PC = target
JR rs Jump Register PC = rs
JAL target Jump And Link RA = PC + 8; PC = target
JALR rs Jump And Link Register rd = PC + 8; PC = rs
JALR rd, rs Jump And Link Register rd = PC + 8; PC = rs
BEQ rs, rt, offset Branch On Equal if(rs == rt) PC = offset
BEQL rs, rt, offset Branch On Equal Likely if(rs == rt) PC = offset
BNE rs, rt, offset Branch On Not Equal if(rs != rt) PC = offset
BNEL rs, rt, offset Branch On Not Equal Likely if(rs != rt) PC = offset
BGTZ rs, offset Branch On Greater Than Zero if(rs > 0) PC = offset
BGTZL rs, offset Branch On Greater Than Zero Likely if(rs > 0) PC = offset
BLEZ rs, offset Branch On Less Than Or Equal To Zero if(rs <= 0) PC = offset
BLEZL rs, offset Branch On Less Than Or Equal To Zero Likely if(rs <= 0) PC = offset
BGEZ rs, offset Branch On Greater Than Or Equal To Zero if(rs >= 0) PC = offset
BGEZL rs, offset Branch On Greater Than Or Equal To Zero Likely if(rs >= 0) PC = offset
BGEZAL rs, offset Branch On Greater Than Or Equal To Zero And Link if(rs >= 0) {
RA = PC + 8; PC = offset
BGEZALL rs, offset Branch On Greater Than Or Equal To Zero And Link Likely if(rs >= 0) {
RA = PC + 8; PC = offset
BLTZ rs, offset Branch On Less Than Zero if(rs < 0) PC = offset
BLTZL rs, offset Branch On Less Than Zero Likely if(rs < 0) PC = offset
BLTZAL rs, offset Branch On Less Than Zero And Link if(rs < 0) {
RA = PC + 8; PC = offset
BLTZALL rs, offset Branch On Less Than Zero And Link Likely if(rs < 0) {
RA = PC + 8; PC = offset
MFC1 rt, fs Move Word From FPU (Coprocessor 1)
DMFC1 rt, fs Doubleword Move From FPU (Coprocessor 1)
MTC1 rt, fs Move To FPU (Coprocessor 1)
DMTC1 rt, fs Doubleword Move To FPU (Coprocessor 1)
CFC1 rt, fs Move Control Word From FPU (Coprocessor 1)
CTC1 rt, fs Move Control Word To FPU (Coprocessor 1)
MOV.fmt fd, fs Floating-point Move
ABS.fmt fd, fs Floating-point Absolute Value
NEG.fmt fd, fs Floating-point Negate
SQRT.fmt fd, fs Floating-point Square Root
ADD.fmt fd, fs, ft Floating-point Add
SUB.fmt fd, fs, ft Floating-point Subtract
MUL.fmt fd, fs, ft Floating-point Multiply
DIV.fmt fd, fs, ft Floating-point Divide
CVT.S.fmt fd, fs Floating-point Convert To Single Floating-point Format
CVT.D.fmt fd, fs Floating-point Convert To Double Floating-point Format
CVT.W.fmt fd, fs Floating-point Convert To Single Fixed-point Format
CVT.L.fmt fd, fs Floating-point Convert To Long Fixed-point Format
FLOOR.L.fmt fd, fs Floating-point Floor To Long Fixed-point Format
FLOOR.W.fmt fd, fs Floating-point Floor To Single Fixed-point Format
ROUND.L.fmt fd, fs Floating-point Round To Long Fixed-point Format
ROUND.W.fmt fd, fs Floating-point Round To Single Fixed-point Format
TRUNC.L.fmt fd, fs Floating-point Truncate To Long Fixed-point Format
TRUNC.W.fmt fd, fs Floating-point Truncate To Single Fixed-point Format
CEIL.L.fmt fd, fs Floating-point Ceiling To Long Fixed-point Format
CEIL.W.fmt fd, fs Floating-point Ceiling To Single Fixed-point Format
C.F.fmt fs, ft Floating-point Compare False
C.UN.fmt fs, ft Floating-point Compare Unordered
C.EQ.fmt fs, ft Floating-point Compare Equal
C.UEQ.fmt fs, ft Floating-point Compare Unordered or Equal
C.OLT.fmt fs, ft Floating-point Compare Ordered Less Than
C.ULT.fmt fs, ft Floating-point Compare Unordered Less Than
C.OLE.fmt fs, ft Floating-point Compare Unordered or Less Than
C.ULE.fmt fs, ft Floating-point Compare Unordered or Less Than or Equal
C.SF.fmt fs, ft Floating-point Compare Signaling False
C.NGLE.fmt fs, ft Floating-point Compare Not Greater Than or Less Than or Equal
C.SEQ.fmt fs, ft Floating-point Compare Signaling Equal
C.NGL.fmt fs, ft Floating-point Compare Not Greater Than or Less Than
C.LT.fmt fs, ft Floating-point Compare Less Than
C.NGE.fmt fs, ft Floating-point Compare Not Greater Than or Equal
C.LE.fmt fs, ft Floating-point Compare Less Than or Equal
C.NGT.fmt fs, ft Floating-point Compare Not Greater Than
BC1F offset Branch On FPU False (Coprocessor 1)
BC1FL offset Branch On FPU False Likely (Coprocessor 1)
BC1T offset Branch On FPU True (Coprocessor 1)
BC1TL offset Branch On FPU True Likely (Coprocessor 1)
MFC0 rt, rd Move From Coprocessor 0
MTC0 rt, rd Move To Coprocessor 0
CACHE op, offset(base) Cache Operation
TEQ rs, rt Trap If Equal
TEQI rs, immediate Trap If Equal Immediate
TGE rs, rt Trap If Greater Than Or Equal
TGEI rs, immediate Trap If Greater Than Or Equal
TGEIU rs, immediate Trap If Greater Than Or Equal
TGEU rs, rt Trap If Greater Than Or Equal Unsigned
TLT rs, rt Trap If Less Than
TLTI rs, immediate Trap If Less Than Immediate
TLTIU rs, immediate Trap If Less Than Immediate Unsigned
TLTU rs, rt Trap If Less Than Unsigned
TNE rs, rt Trap If Not Equal
TNEI rs, immediate Trap If Not Equal Immediate
SYNC Synchronize (No operation on R4300)
SYSCALL System Call COP0_CAUSE |= (8 << 2);
PC = exc_vector_base + 0x180
BREAK Breakpoint COP0_CAUSE |= (9 << 2);
PC = exc_vector_base + 0x180
ERET Return From Exception PC = COP0_EPC (or COP0_ERROREPC)
TLBP Probe TLB For Matching Entry
TLBR Read Indexed TLB Entry
TLBWI Write Indexed TLB Entry
TLBWR Write Random TLB Entry

General Purpose Registers

Number Name Preserved Usage
0 R0 n/a Hardwired zero
1 AT no Assembler temporary value
2:3 V0:V1 no Subroutine return value(s)
4:7 A0:A3 no Subroutine arguments
8:15 T0:T7 no Temporary values
16:23 S0:S7 yes Saved values
24:25 T8:T9 no Temporary values
26:27 K0:K1 n/a Reserved by the kernel
28 GP yes Global pointer
29 SP yes Stack pointer
30 S8 or FP yes Saved value or frame pointer
31 RA yes Return address

Memory Segments (32-bit)

Virtual address range Segment Description
00000000:7FFFFFFF useg TLB mapped to physical memory
Accessible in all operating modes
80000000:9FFFFFFF kseg0 Cached, translated to physical address by subtracting 80000000
Accessible in kernel mode
A0000000:BFFFFFFF kseg1 Uncached, translated to physical address by subtracting A0000000
Accessible in kernel mode
C0000000:DFFFFFFF sseg TLB mapped to physical memory
Accessible in kernel and supervisor mode
E0000000:FFFFFFFF kseg3 TLB mapped to physical memory
Accessible in kernel mode

Note: Commercial Nintendo 64 games operate in kernel mode at all times.

COP0 Status Register

| 31| 30| 29| 28|27|26|25| 24|23| 22|21|20|19|18|17|16|       8| 7| 6| 5|  4|  2|  1| 0|
|  .|  .|  .|  .| .| .| .|  .| 0|  .| .| .| .| .| 0| 1|........| .| .| .| ..|  .|  .| .|
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |1 |1 |1 |1  | 1|1  |1 |1 | 1|1 |1 |1 |   8    |1 |1 |1 |2  |1  |1  |1 |
Field Description
CU3 (Reserved)
CU2 (Reserved)
CU1 Coprocessor 1 (FPU) Usability (1: Usable, 0: Unusable)
CU0 Coprocessor 0 Usability (1: Usable, 0: Unusable)
COP0 is always usable while in kernel mode, regardless of setting
RP Reduce Power (0: Normal, 1: Low Power Mode)
Clock frequency is reduced to one-quarter speed when enabled
FR Additional floating point registers (0: 16 registers, 1: 32 registers)
RE Reverse Endian in User mode (0: Disabled, 1: Reversed)
ITS Enable instruction trace support (0: False, 1: True)
BEV Controls exception vector locations (0: Normal, 1: Bootstrap)
TS TLB shutdown has occurred (0: False, 1: True)
On R4300i, the TLB does not shutdown and the processor will continue execution, but the TS bit is still set.
SR Soft reset or NMI has occurred (0: False, 1: True)
CH CP0 Condition bit (0: False, 1: True)
CE (Unused on R4300i)
DE (Unused on R4300i)
IM Interrupt Mask (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)
KX Enable 64-bit addressing in Kernel mode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)
SX Enable 64-bit addressing and operations in Supervisor mode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)
UX Enable 64-bit addressing and operations in User mode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)
KSU Mode (10: User, 01: Supervisor, 00: Kernel)
ERL Error level (0: Normal, 1: Error)
EXL Exception level (0: Normal, 1: Exception)
IE Global interrupt enable (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)

COP0 Cause Register

|31|30|28|          16|       8|7|    2| 0|
| .| 0|..|............|........|0|.....|00|
|BD| -|CE|------------|   IP   |-| EXC |--|
|1 |1 |2 |     12     |   8    |1|  5  |2 |
Field Description
BD Branch delay (1: Last exception occurred in delay slot, 0: Normal)
CE Coprocessor number for coprocessor unusable exception
IP Interrupt pending (1: Interrupt, 0: No Interrupt)
IP7 Timer interrupt
IP6:2 External normal interrupts
IP1:0 Software interrupt
EXC Exception code

Exception Codes

Code Mnemonic DescriptionGenerated…
0 Int Interrupt- When one of the eight interrupt conditions are asserted
1 Mod TLB Modification exception- When the TLB entry that matches the the virtual address referenced by the store instruction is marked as read-only (the D bit = 0)
2 TLBL TLB Invalid exception (load or instruction fetch)- When an attempt is made to read from an mapped area in a TLB segment that is marked invalid
3 TLBS TLB Invalid exception (store)- When an attempt is made to write to a mapped area in a TLB segment that is marked invalid
2 TLBL TLB Miss exception (load or instruction fetch)- When an attempt is made to read from an unmapped area in a TLB segment (Uses special TLB miss exception vector)
3 TLBS TLB Miss exception (store)- When an attempt is made to write to an unmapped area in a TLB segment (Uses special TLB miss exception vector)
4 AdEL Address Error exception (load or instruction fetch)- When an attempt is made to read from an address whose boundary alignment is incompatible with the instruction
- When an attempt is made to read from an address that is not accessible in the current operating mode
5 AdES Address Error exception (store)- When an attempt is made to write to an address whose boundary alignment is incompatible with the opcode
- When an attempt is made to write to an address that is not accessible in the current operating mode
6 IBE Bus Error exception (instruction fetch)
7 DBE Bus Error exception (data reference: load or store)
8 Sys Syscall exception- When a SYSCALL instruction is executed
9 Bp Breakpoint exception- When a BREAK instruction is executed
10 RI Reserved instruction exception- When an attempt is made to execute a reserved/nonexistant command
11 CpU Coprocessor unusable exception- When an attempt is made to use a coprocessor instruction and the corresponding coprocessor is marked unusable (Status CU bit = 0)
- When an attempt is made to use a COP0 instruction while operating in user or supervisor mode
12 Ov Arithmetic overflow exception- When an ADD, ADDI, SUB, DADD, DADDI or DSUB instruction results in a 2's complement overflow
13 Tr Trap exception- When a trap instruction results in a TRUE condition
14 - (Reserved)
15 FPE Floating-point exception(Generated by the floating-point coprocessor (COP1); contents of the Floating-Point Control/Status register (FCSR31) indicate the cause of the exception)
16:22 - (Reserved)
23 WATCH Watch exception- When a load/store instruction references the address specified in the WatchLo/WatchHi registers
24:31 - (Reserved)


Cause bitSource N64 Implementation
IP7 Timer interruptn/a
IP6 Int4 pin RDB Write
IP5 Int3 pin RDB Read
IP4 Int2 pin Pre-NMI (Reset button)
IP3 Int1 pin Cartridge
IP2 Int0 pin RCP
IP1 Set by softwaren/a
IP0 Set by softwaren/a

Any of these may be masked by setting the corresponding IM bit of the Status register to 0. The Timer interrupt is generated when the Count and Compare register are equal.

On the Nintendo 64, IP2 represents an RCP interrupt. When an RCP interrupt occurs, a flag representing the specific RCP interface is written to MI_INTR_REG (0x04300008).

0x01MI_INTR_SPSignal Processor - Task Done/Task Yield
0x02MI_INTR_SISerial Interface - Controller input available
0x04MI_INTR_AIAudio Interface - Audio buffer swap
0x08MI_INTR_VIVideo Interface - Vertical retrace
0x10MI_INTR_PIPeripheral Interface - ROM to RAM DMA done
0x20MI_INTR_DPDisplay Processor - RDP processing done (gDPFullSync)

RCP-specific interrupts may be masked by setting the corresponding bits in MI_INTR_MASK_REG (0x0430000C) to 0.

Exception Vector Addresses

Exception Base (BEV=0) Base (BEV=1) Offset
Reset & NMI n/a 0xBFC000000 0x000
TLB Miss 0x80000000 0xBFC000200 0x000
XTLB Miss 0x80000000 0xBFC000200 0x080
Other 0x80000000 0xBFC000200 0x180


“immediate” = 16-bit signed immediate value
“sa” = 5-bit immediate shift amount
r4300.1549658480.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/08 20:41 by shygoo