SM64 Fast3D Anti-Aliasing Reducer
Side note: i think i explained this to yoshi seperately from this place but i shambled together the files with that version of pj64 he linked
its very inaccurate, but its the most compatible with old af romhacks (sm64e lul) while still looking good, uses some weird version of gliden made by someone named LINK. no documentation or whatever on that gliden version, it just exists in this weird void where it works i guess. honestly i cant even find where i downloaded it anymore. dont worry about whatever really happened with yoshi i guess, its still a really good preconfigured pj64 for compatibility, just not anything worth existing in a dimension that it can be investigated in
whoops there was a virus? link here for some time how did that happen

Messages In This Thread
SM64 Fast3D Anti-Aliasing Reducer - by David - 09-13-2019, 03:12 AM
RE: SM64 Fast3D Anti-Aliasing Reducer - by David - 12-08-2019, 08:07 PM
RE: SM64 Fast3D Anti-Aliasing Reducer - by David - 12-14-2019, 06:21 PM
RE: SM64 Fast3D Anti-Aliasing Reducer - by David - 12-15-2019, 11:21 AM
RE: SM64 Fast3D Anti-Aliasing Reducer - by PyroJay4 - 12-19-2019, 03:21 AM

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