The main processor used by the Nintendo 64.
Information on this page that is specifically related to the Nintendo 64 is highlighted in green.
Command | Definition | Pseudo code |
AND rd, rs, rt | And | rd = rs & rt |
ANDI rt, rs, immediate | And Immediate | rt = rs & immediate |
OR rd, rs, rt | Or | rd = rs | rt |
ORI rt, rs, immediate | Or Immediate | rt = rs | immediate |
XOR rd, rs, rt | Exclusive Or | rd = rs ^ rt |
XORI rt, rs, immediate | Exclusive Or Immediate | rd = rs ^ immediate |
NOR rd, rs, rt | Nor | rd = ~(rs | rt) |
SLT rd, rs, rt | Set On Less Than | rd = (rs < rt) ? 1 : 0 |
SLTU rd, rs, rt | Set On Less Than Unsigned | rd = (rs < rt) ? 1 : 0 |
SLTI rt, rs, immediate | Set On Less Than Immediate | rt = (rs < immediate) ? 1 : 0 |
SLTIU rt, rs, immediate | Set On Less Than Immediate Unsigned | rt = (rs < immediate) ? 1 : 0 |
ADD rd, rs, rt | Add | rd = rs + rt |
ADDU rd, rs, rt | Add Unsigned | rd = rs + rt |
ADDI rt, rs, immediate1) | Add Immediate | rd = rs + immediate |
ADDIU rt, rs, immediate | Add Immediate Unsigned | rd = rs + immediate |
SUB rd, rs, rt | Subtract | rd = rs - rt |
SUBU rd, rs, rt | Subtract Unsigned | rd = rs - rt |
MULT rs, rt | Multiply | lo = rs * rt |
MULTU rs, rt | Multiply Unsigned | lo = rs * rt |
DIV rs, rt | Divide | lo = rs / rt; hi = rs % rt |
DIVU rs, rt | Divide Unsigned | lo = rs / rt; hi = rs % rt |
SLL rd, rt, sa2) | Shift Left Logical | rd = rt << sa |
SLLV rd, rt, rs | Shift Left Logical Variable | rd = rt << rs |
SRA rd, rt, sa | Shift Right Arithmetic | rd = (int32)rt >> sa |
SRAV rd, rt, rs | Shift Right Arithmetic Variable | rd = (int32)rt >> rs |
SRL rd, rt, sa | Shift Right Logical | rd = (uint32)rt >> sa |
SRLV rd, rt, rs | Shift Right Logical Variable | rd = (uint32)rt >> rs |
DADD rd, rs, rt | Doubleword Add | rd = rs + rt |
DADDU rd, rs, rt | Doubleword Add Unsigned | rd = rs + rt |
DADDI rt, rs, immediate | Doubleword Add Immediate | rd = rs + immediate |
DADDIU rt, rs, immediate | Doubleword Add Immediate Unsigned | rd = rs + immediate |
DSUB rd, rs, rt | Doubleword Subtract | rd = rs - rt |
DSUBU rd, rs, rt | Doubleword Subtract Unsigned | rd = rs - rt |
DMULT rs, rt | Doubleword Multiply | lo = rs * rt |
DMULTU rs, rt | Doubleword Multiply Unsigned | lo = rs * rt |
DDIV rs, rt | Doubleword Divide | lo = rs / rt; hi = rs % rt |
DDIVU rs, rt | Doubleword Divide Unsigned | lo = rs / rt; hi = rs % rt |
DSLL rd, rt, sa | Doubleword Shift Left Logical | rd = rt << sa |
DSLL32 rd, rt, sa | Doubleword Shift Left Logical + 32 | rd = rt << (sa + 32) |
DSLLV rd, rt, rs | Doubleword Shift Left Logical Variable | rd = rt << rs |
DSRA rd, rt, sa | Doubleword Shift Right Arithmetic | rd = (int64)rt >> sa |
DSRA32 rd, rt, sa | Doubleword Shift Right Arithmetic + 32 | rd = (int64)rt >> (sa + 32) |
DSRAV rd, rt, rs | Doubleword Shift Right Arithmetic Variable | rd = (int64)rt >> rs |
DSRL rd, rt, sa | Doubleword Shift Right Logical | rd = (uint64)rt >> sa |
DSRL32 rd, rt, sa | Doubleword Shift Right Logical + 32 | rd = (uint64)rd >> (sa + 32) |
DSRLV rd, rt, rs | Doubleword Shift Right Logical Variable | rd = (uint64)rd >> rs |
MFHI rd | Move From HI | rd = hi |
MFLO rd | Move From LO | rd = lo |
MTHI rs | Move To HI | hi = rs |
MTLO rs | Move To LO | lo = rs |
LUI rt, immediate | Load Upper Immediate | rt = immediate << 16 |
LB rt, offset(rs) | Load Byte | rt = *(int8*)(rs + offset) |
LBU rt, offset(rs) | Load Byte Unsigned | rt = *(uint8*)(rs + offset) |
LH rt, offset(rs) | Load Halfword | rt = *(int16*)(rs + offset) |
LHU rt, offset(rs) | Load Halfword Unsigned | rt = *(uint16*)(rs + offset) |
LW rt, offset(rs) | Load Word | rt = *(int32*)(rs + offset) |
LWU rt, offset(rs) | Load Word Unsigned | rt = *(uint32*)(rs + offset) |
LWC1 ft, offset(rs) | Load Word To FPU3) | ft = *(float*)(rs + offset) |
LWL rt, offset(rs) | Load Word Left | |
LWR rt, offset(rs) | Load Word Right | |
LD rt, offset(rs) | Load Doubleword | rt = *(uint64*)(rs + offset) |
LDC1 ft, offset(rs) | Load Doubleword To FPU | ft = *(double*)(rs + offset) |
LDL rt, offset(rs) | Load Doubleword Left | |
LDR rt, offset(rs) | Load Doubleword Right | |
LL rt, offset(rs) | Load Linked | |
LLD rt, offset(rs) | Load Linked Doubleword | |
SB rt, offset(rs) | Store Byte | *(int8*)(rs + offset) = rt |
SH rt, offset(rs) | Store Halfword | *(int16*)(rs + offset) = rt |
SW rt, offset(rs) | Store Word | *(int32*)(rs + offset) = rt |
SWC1 ft, offset(rs) | Store Word From FPU | *(float*)(rs + offset) = ft |
SWL rt, offset(rs) | Store Word Left | |
SWR rt, offset(rs) | Store Word Right | |
SD rt, offset(rs) | Store Doubleword | *(int64*)(rs + offset) = rt |
SDC1 ft, offset(rs) | Store Doubleword From FPU | *(double*)(rs + offset) = rt |
SDL rt, offset(rs) | Store Doubleword Left | |
SDR rt, offset(rs) | Store Doubleword Right | |
SC rt, offset(rs) | Store Conditional | |
SCD rt, offset(rs) | Store Conditional Doubleword | |
J target | Jump | PC = target |
JR rs | Jump Register | PC = rs |
JAL target | Jump And Link | RA = PC + 8; PC = target |
JALR rs | Jump And Link Register | rd = PC + 8; PC = rs |
JALR rd, rs | Jump And Link Register | rd = PC + 8; PC = rs |
BEQ rs, rt, target | Branch On Equal | if(rs == rt) PC = target |
BEQL rs, rt, target | Branch On Equal Likely | if(rs == rt) PC = target |
BNE rs, rt, target | Branch On Not Equal | if(rs != rt) PC = target |
BNEL rs, rt, target | Branch On Not Equal Likely | if(rs != rt) PC = target |
BGTZ rs, target | Branch On Greater Than Zero | if(rs > 0) PC = target |
BGTZL rs, target | Branch On Greater Than Zero Likely | if(rs > 0) PC = target |
BLEZ rs, target | Branch On Less Than Or Equal To Zero | if(rs <= 0) PC = target |
BLEZL rs, target | Branch On Less Than Or Equal To Zero Likely | if(rs <= 0) PC = target |
BGEZ rs, target | Branch On Greater Than Or Equal To Zero | if(rs >= 0) PC = target |
BGEZL rs, target | Branch On Greater Than Or Equal To Zero Likely | if(rs >= 0) PC = target |
BGEZAL rs, target | Branch On Greater Than Or Equal To Zero And Link | if(rs >= 0) { RA = PC + 8; PC = target } |
BGEZALL rs, target | Branch On Greater Than Or Equal To Zero And Link Likely | if(rs >= 0) { RA = PC + 8; PC = target } |
BLTZ rs, target | Branch On Less Than Zero | if(rs < 0) PC = target |
BLTZL rs, target | Branch On Less Than Zero Likely | if(rs < 0) PC = target |
BLTZAL rs, target | Branch On Less Than Zero And Link | if(rs < 0) { RA = PC + 8; PC = target } |
BLTZALL rs, target | Branch On Less Than Zero And Link Likely | if(rs < 0) { RA = PC + 8; PC = target } |
MFC1 rt, fs | Move Word From FPU | rt = fs |
DMFC1 rt, fs | Doubleword Move From FPU | rt = fs |
MTC1 rt, fs | Move To FPU | fs = rt |
DMTC1 rt, fs | Doubleword Move To FPU | fs = rt |
CFC1 rt, fcr | Move Control Word From FPU | rt = fcr |
CTC1 rt, fcr | Move Control Word To FPU | rt = fcr |
MOV.S fd, fs | FPU Move Float | fd = fs |
ABS.S fd, fs | FPU Absolute Value Float | fd = abs(fs) |
NEG.S fd, fs | FPU Negate Float | fd = -fs |
SQRT.S fd, fs | FPU Square Root Float | fd = sqrt(fs) |
ADD.S fd, fs, ft | FPU Add Floats | fd = fs + ft |
SUB.S fd, fs, ft | FPU Subtract Floats | fd = fs - ft |
MUL.S fd, fs, ft | FPU Multiply Floats | fd = fs * ft |
DIV.S fd, fs, ft | FPU Divide Floats | fd = fs / ft |
MOV.D fd, fs | FPU Move Double | fd = fs |
ABS.D fd, fs | FPU Absolute Value Double | fd = abs(fs) |
NEG.D fd, fs | FPU Negate Double | fd = -fs |
SQRT.D fd, fs | FPU Square Root Double | fd = sqrt(fs) |
ADD.D fd, fs, ft | FPU Add Doubles | fd = fs + ft |
SUB.D fd, fs, ft | FPU Subtract Doubles | fd = fs - ft |
MUL.D fd, fs, ft | FPU Multiply Doubles | fd = fs * ft |
DIV.D fd, fs, ft | FPU Divide Doubles | fd = fs / ft |
FLOOR.L.S fd, fs | FPU Floor Float To Fixed-point Long | fd = (int64)floor(fs) |
FLOOR.W.S fd, fs | FPU Floor Float To Fixed-point Word | fd = (int32)floor(fs) |
ROUND.L.S fd, fs | FPU Round Float To Fixed-point Long | fd = (int64)round(fs) |
ROUND.W.S fd, fs | FPU Round Float To Fixed-point Word | fd = (int32)round(fs) |
TRUNC.L.S fd, fs | FPU Truncate Float To Fixed-point Long | fd = (int64)trunc(fs) |
TRUNC.W.S fd, fs | FPU Truncate Float To Fixed-point Word | fd = (int32)trunc(fs) |
CEIL.L.S fd, fs | FPU Ceiling Float To Fixed-point Long | fd = (int64)ceil(fs) |
CEIL.W.S fd, fs | FPU Ceiling Float To Fixed-point Word | fd = (int32)ceil(fs) |
FLOOR.L.D fd, fs | FPU Floor Double To Fixed-point Long | fd = (int64)floor(fs) |
FLOOR.W.D fd, fs | FPU Floor Double To Fixed-point Word | fd = (int32)floor(fs) |
ROUND.L.D fd, fs | FPU Round Double To Fixed-point Long | fd = (int64)round(fs) |
ROUND.W.D fd, fs | FPU Round Double To Fixed-point Word | fd = (int32)round(fs) |
TRUNC.L.D fd, fs | FPU Truncate Double To Fixed-point Long | fd = (int64)trunc(fs) |
TRUNC.W.D fd, fs | FPU Truncate Double To Fixed-point Word | fd = (int32)trunc(fs) |
CEIL.L.D fd, fs | FPU Ceiling Double To Fixed-point Long | fd = (int64)ceil(fs) |
CEIL.W.D fd, fs | FPU Ceiling Double To Fixed-point Word | fd = (int32)ceil(fs) |
CVT.D.S fd, fs | FPU Convert Float To Double | fd = (double)fs |
CVT.W.S fd, fs | FPU Convert Float To Fixed-point Word | fd = (int32)fs |
CVT.L.S fd, fs | FPU Convert Float To Fixed-Point Long | fd = (int64)fs |
CVT.S.D fd, fs | FPU Convert Double To Float | fd = (float)fs |
CVT.W.D fd, fs | FPU Convert Double To Fixed-point Word | fd = (int32)fs |
CVT.L.D fd, fs | FPU Convert Double To Fixed-Point Long | fd = (int64)fs |
CVT.S.W fd, fs | FPU Convert Fixed-Point Word To Float | fd = (float)fs |
CVT.S.L fd, fs | FPU Convert Fixed-Point Long To Float | fd = (float)fs |
CVT.D.W fd, fs | FPU Convert Fixed-Point Word To Double | fd = (double)fs |
CVT.D.L fd, fs | FPU Convert Fixed-Point Long To Double | fd = (double)fs |
C.EQ.S fs, ft | FPU Compare Equal Float | FCR31.C = (fs == ft) |
C.LT.S fs, ft | FPU Compare Less Than Float | FCR31.C = (fs < ft) |
C.LE.S fs, ft | FPU Compare Less Than or Equal Float | FCR31.C = (fs <= ft) |
C.EQ.D fs, ft | FPU Compare Equal Double | FCR31.C = (fs == ft) |
C.LT.D fs, ft | FPU Compare Less Than Double | FCR31.C = (fs < ft) |
C.LE.D fs, ft | FPU Compare Less Than or Equal Double | FCR31.C = (fs <= ft) |
C.F.S fs, ft | FPU Compare False Float | FCR31.C = FALSE |
C.UN.S fs, ft | FPU Compare Unordered Float | FCR31.C = (isNaN(fs) || isNaN(ft)) |
C.UEQ.S fs, ft | FPU Compare Unordered or Equal Float | FCR31.C = (isNaN(fs) || isNaN(ft) || (fs == ft)) |
C.OLT.S fs, ft | FPU Compare Ordered Less Than Float | FCR31.C = (!isNaN(fs) && !isNaN(ft) && (fs < ft)) |
C.ULT.S fs, ft | FPU Compare Unordered or Less Than Float | FCR31.C = (isNaN(fs) || isNaN(ft) || (fs < ft)) |
C.OLE.S fs, ft | FPU Compare Ordered Less Than Or Equal Float | FCR31.C = (!isNaN(fs) && !isNaN(ft) && (fs <= ft)) |
C.ULE.S fs, ft | FPU Compare Unordered or Less Than or Equal Float | FCR31.C = (isNaN(fs) || isNaN(ft) || (fs <= ft)) |
C.SF.S fs, ft | FPU Compare Signaling False Float | FCR31.C = FALSE |
C.NGLE.S fs, ft | FPU Compare Not Greater Or Less Than or Equal Float | FCR31.C = (isNaN(fs) || isNaN(ft)) |
C.SEQ.S fs, ft | FPU Compare Signaling Equal Float | FCR31.C = (fs == ft) |
C.NGL.S fs, ft | FPU Compare Not Greater Or Less Than Float | FCR31.C = !((fs > ft) || (fs < ft)) |
C.NGE.S fs, ft | FPU Compare Not Greater Than or Equal Float | FCR31.C = !(fs >= ft) |
C.NGT.S fs, ft | FPU Compare Not Greater Than Float | FCR31.C = !(fs > ft) |
C.F.D fs, ft | FPU Compare False Double | FCR31.C = FALSE |
C.UN.D fs, ft | FPU Compare Unordered Double | FCR31.C = (isNaN(fs) || isNaN(ft)) |
C.UEQ.D fs, ft | FPU Compare Unordered or Equal Double | FCR31.C = (isNaN(fs) || isNaN(ft) || (fs == ft)) |
C.OLT.D fs, ft | FPU Compare Ordered Less Than Double | FCR31.C = (!isNaN(fs) && !isNaN(ft) && (fs < ft)) |
C.ULT.D fs, ft | FPU Compare Unordered or Less Than Double | FCR31.C = (isNaN(fs) || isNaN(ft) || (fs < ft)) |
C.OLE.D fs, ft | FPU Compare Ordered Less Than Or Equal Double | FCR31.C = (!isNaN(fs) && !isNaN(ft) && (fs <= ft)) |
C.ULE.D fs, ft | FPU Compare Unordered or Less Than or Equal Double | FCR31.C = (isNaN(fs) || isNaN(ft) || (fs <= ft)) |
C.SF.D fs, ft | FPU Compare Signaling False Double | FCR31.C = FALSE |
C.NGLE.D fs, ft | FPU Compare Not Greater Or Less Than or Equal Double | FCR31.C = (isNaN(fs) || isNaN(ft)) |
C.SEQ.D fs, ft | FPU Compare Signaling Equal Double | FCR31.C = (fs == ft) |
C.NGL.D fs, ft | FPU Compare Not Greater Or Less Than Double | FCR31.C = !((fs > ft) || (fs < ft)) |
C.NGE.D fs, ft | FPU Compare Not Greater Than or Equal Double | FCR31.C = !(fs >= ft) |
C.NGT.D fs, ft | FPU Compare Not Greater Than Double | FCR31.C = !(fs > ft) |
BC1F offset | Branch On FPU False | if(FCR31.C == 0) PC = offset |
BC1FL offset | Branch On FPU False Likely | if(FCR31.C == 0) PC = offset |
BC1T offset | Branch On FPU True | if(FCR31.C == 1) PC = offset |
BC1TL offset | Branch On FPU True Likely | if(FCR31.C == 1) PC = offset |
MFC0 rt, rd | Move From Coprocessor 0 | rt = rd |
MTC0 rt, rd | Move To Coprocessor 0 | rd = rt |
CACHE op, offset(base) | Cache Operation | |
TEQ rs, rt | Trap If Equal | if(rs == rt) { COP0_CAUSE |= (13 << 2); COP0_EPC = PC; PC = exc_vector_base + 0x180 } |
TEQI rs, immediate | Trap If Equal Immediate | if(rs == immediate) { COP0_CAUSE |= (13 << 2); COP0_EPC = PC; PC = exc_vector_base + 0x180 } |
TGE rs, rt | Trap If Greater Than Or Equal | if(rs >= rt) { COP0_CAUSE |= (13 << 2); COP0_EPC = PC; PC = exc_vector_base + 0x180 } |
TGEI rs, immediate | Trap If Greater Than Or Equal Immedate | if(rs >= immediate) { COP0_CAUSE |= (13 << 2); COP0_EPC = PC; PC = exc_vector_base + 0x180 } |
TGEIU rs, immediate | Trap If Greater Than Or Equal Immediate Unsigned | if(rs >= immediate) { COP0_CAUSE |= (13 << 2); COP0_EPC = PC; PC = exc_vector_base + 0x180 } |
TGEU rs, rt | Trap If Greater Than Or Equal Unsigned | if(rs >= rt) { COP0_CAUSE |= (13 << 2); COP0_EPC = PC; PC = exc_vector_base + 0x180 } |
TLT rs, rt | Trap If Less Than | if(rs < rt) { COP0_CAUSE |= (13 << 2); COP0_EPC = PC; PC = exc_vector_base + 0x180 } |
TLTI rs, immediate | Trap If Less Than Immediate | if(rs < immediate) { COP0_CAUSE |= (13 << 2); COP0_EPC = PC; PC = exc_vector_base + 0x180 } |
TLTIU rs, immediate | Trap If Less Than Immediate Unsigned | if(rs < immediate) { COP0_CAUSE |= (13 << 2); COP0_EPC = PC; PC = exc_vector_base + 0x180 } |
TLTU rs, rt | Trap If Less Than Unsigned | if(rs < rt) { COP0_CAUSE |= (13 << 2); COP0_EPC = PC; PC = exc_vector_base + 0x180 } |
TNE rs, rt | Trap If Not Equal | if(rs != rt) { COP0_CAUSE |= (13 << 2); COP0_EPC = PC; PC = exc_vector_base + 0x180 } |
TNEI rs, immediate | Trap If Not Equal Immediate | if(rs != immediate) { COP0_CAUSE |= (13 << 2); COP0_EPC = PC; PC = exc_vector_base + 0x180 } |
SYNC | Synchronize | (No operation on R4300) |
SYSCALL | System Call | COP0_CAUSE |= (8 << 2); COP0_EPC = PC; PC = exc_vector_base + 0x180 |
BREAK | Breakpoint | COP0_CAUSE |= (9 << 2); COP0_EPC = PC; PC = exc_vector_base + 0x180 |
ERET | Return From Exception | PC = COP0_EPC (or COP0_ERROREPC) LLBit = 0 |
TLBP | Probe TLB For Matching Entry | |
TLBR | Read Indexed TLB Entry | |
TLBWI | Write Indexed TLB Entry | |
TLBWR | Write Random TLB Entry |
Number | Name | Preserved | Purpose |
0 | R0 | n/a | Hardwired zero |
1 | AT | no | Assembler temporary value |
2:3 | V0:V1 | no | Subroutine return value |
4:7 | A0:A3 | no | Subroutine arguments |
8:15 | T0:T7 | no | Temporary values |
16:23 | S0:S7 | yes | Saved values |
24:25 | T8:T9 | no | Temporary values |
26:27 | K0:K1 | n/a | Reserved by the kernel |
28 | GP | yes | Global pointer |
29 | SP | yes | Stack pointer |
30 | S8 or FP | yes | Saved value or frame pointer |
31 | RA | yes | Return address |
Number | Name | Preserved | Purpose |
0:2 | F0:F2 | no | Subroutine return value |
4:10 | F4:F10 | no | Temporary values |
12:14 | F12:F14 | no | Subroutine arguments |
16:18 | F16:F18 | no | Temporary values |
20:30 | F20:F30 | yes | Saved values |
| 25|24|23| 18|17|16|15|14|13|12|11|10| 9| 8| 7| 6| 5| 4| 3| 2| 0| |0000000| .| .|00000| .| .| .| .| .| .| .| .| .| .| .| .| .| .| .| .|..| |-------|FS|C |-----|CE|CV|CZ|CO|CU|CI|EV|EZ|EO|EU|EI|FV|FZ|FO|FU|FI|RM| | 7 |1 |1 | 5 | 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1| 1|2 |
Field | Description |
FS | Enables flashing of denormalized numbers (See Page 213 of the manual) |
C | Compare bit (1: TRUE, 0: FALSE) Result of the last compare (C.COND.FMT) operation |
CE | Cause bit: Unimplemented operation |
CV | Cause bit: Invalid operation |
CZ | Cause bit: Division by Zero |
CO | Cause bit: Overflow |
CU | Cause bit: Underflow |
CI | Cause bit: Inexact operation |
EV | Enable bit: Invalid operation |
EZ | Enable bit: Division by Zero |
EO | Enable bit: Overflow |
EU | Enable bit: Underflow |
EI | Enable bit: Inexact operation |
FV | Flag bit: Invalid operation |
FZ | Flag bit: Division by Zero |
FO | Flag bit: Overflow |
FU | Flag bit: Underflow |
FI | Flag bit: Inexact operation |
RM | Rounding Mode |
Value | Mnemonic | Description |
0 | RN | Round to nearest representable value |
1 | RZ | Round towards zero |
2 | RP | Round towards positive infinity |
3 | RM | Round towards negative infinity |
| 31| 30| 29| 28|27|26|25| 24|23| 22|21|20|19|18|17|16| 8| 7| 6| 5| 4| 2| 1| 0| | .| .| .| .| .| .| .| .| 0| .| .| .| .| .| 0| 1|........| .| .| .| ..| .| .| .| |CU3|CU2|CU1|CU0|RP|FR|RE|ITS| -|BEV|TS|SR| -|CH|CE|DE| IM |KX|SX|UX|KSU|ERL|EXL|IE| | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |1 |1 |1 |1 | 1|1 |1 |1 | 1|1 |1 |1 | 8 |1 |1 |1 |2 |1 |1 |1 |
Field | Description |
CU3 | (Reserved) |
CU2 | (Reserved) |
CU1 | Coprocessor 1 (FPU) Usability (1: Usable, 0: Unusable) |
CU0 | Coprocessor 0 Usability (1: Usable, 0: Unusable) COP0 is always usable while in kernel mode, regardless of setting |
RP | Reduce Power (0: Normal, 1: Low Power Mode) Clock frequency is reduced to one-quarter speed when enabled |
FR | Additional floating point registers (0: 16 registers, 1: 32 registers) |
RE | Reverse Endian in User mode (0: Disabled, 1: Reversed) |
ITS | Enable instruction trace support (0: False, 1: True) |
BEV | Bootstrap exception vector (0: Normal, 1: Bootstrap) Controls Exception Vector locations |
TS | TLB shutdown has occurred (0: False, 1: True) On R4300i, the TLB does not shutdown and the processor will continue execution, but the TS bit is still set. |
SR | Soft reset or NMI has occurred (0: False, 1: True) |
CH | CP0 Condition bit (0: False, 1: True) |
CE | (Unused on R4300i) |
DE | (Unused on R4300i) |
IM | Interrupt Mask (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) |
KX | Enable 64-bit addressing in Kernel mode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) |
SX | Enable 64-bit addressing and operations in Supervisor mode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) |
UX | Enable 64-bit addressing and operations in User mode (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) |
KSU | Mode (10: User, 01: Supervisor, 00: Kernel) |
ERL | Error level (0: Normal, 1: Error) |
EXL | Exception level (0: Normal, 1: Exception) |
IE | Global interrupt enable (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled) |
Exception | Base (BEV=0) | Base (BEV=1) | Offset |
Reset & NMI | n/a | 0xBFC000000 | 0x000 |
TLB Miss | 0x80000000 | 0xBFC000200 | 0x000 |
XTLB Miss | 0x80000000 | 0xBFC000200 | 0x080 |
Other | 0x80000000 | 0xBFC000200 | 0x180 |
|31|30|28| 16| 8|7| 2| 0| | .| 0|..|............|........|0|.....|00| |BD| -|CE|------------| IP |-| EXC |--| |1 |1 |2 | 12 | 8 |1| 5 |2 |
Field | Description |
BD | Branch delay (1: Last exception occurred in delay slot, 0: Normal) |
CE | Coprocessor number for coprocessor unusable exception |
IP | Interrupt pending (1: Interrupt, 0: No Interrupt) IP7 Timer interrupt IP6:2 External normal interrupts IP1:0 Software interrupt |
EXC | Exception code |
Code | Mnemonic | Description | Generated… |
0 | Int | Interrupt | - When one of the eight interrupt conditions are asserted |
1 | Mod | TLB Modification exception | - When the TLB entry that matches the the virtual address referenced by the store instruction is marked as read-only (the D bit = 0) |
2 | TLBL | TLB Invalid exception (load or instruction fetch) | - When an attempt is made to read from an mapped area in a TLB segment that is marked invalid |
3 | TLBS | TLB Invalid exception (store) | - When an attempt is made to write to a mapped area in a TLB segment that is marked invalid |
2 | TLBL | TLB Miss exception (load or instruction fetch) | - When an attempt is made to read from an unmapped area in a TLB segment (Uses special TLB miss exception vector) |
3 | TLBS | TLB Miss exception (store) | - When an attempt is made to write to an unmapped area in a TLB segment (Uses special TLB miss exception vector) |
4 | AdEL | Address Error exception (load or instruction fetch) | - When an attempt is made to read from an address whose boundary alignment is incompatible with the instruction - When an attempt is made to read from an address that is not accessible in the current operating mode |
5 | AdES | Address Error exception (store) | - When an attempt is made to write to an address whose boundary alignment is incompatible with the opcode - When an attempt is made to write to an address that is not accessible in the current operating mode |
6 | IBE | Bus Error exception (instruction fetch) | |
7 | DBE | Bus Error exception (data reference: load or store) | |
8 | Sys | Syscall exception | - When a SYSCALL instruction is executed |
9 | Bp | Breakpoint exception | - When a BREAK instruction is executed |
10 | RI | Reserved instruction exception | - When an attempt is made to execute a reserved/nonexistant command |
11 | CpU | Coprocessor unusable exception | - When an attempt is made to use a coprocessor instruction and the corresponding coprocessor is marked unusable (Status CU bit = 0) - When an attempt is made to use a COP0 instruction while operating in user or supervisor mode |
12 | Ov | Arithmetic overflow exception | - When an ADD, ADDI, SUB, DADD, DADDI or DSUB instruction results in a 2's complement overflow |
13 | Tr | Trap exception | - When a trap instruction results in a TRUE condition |
14 | - | (Reserved) | |
15 | FPE | Floating-point exception | (Generated by the floating-point coprocessor (COP1); contents of the Floating-Point Control/Status register (FCSR31) indicate the cause of the exception) |
16:22 | - | (Reserved) | |
23 | WATCH | Watch exception | - When a load/store instruction references the address specified in the WatchLo/WatchHi registers |
24:31 | - | (Reserved) |
Cause bit | Source |
IP0 | Set by software |
IP1 | Set by software |
IP2 | Int0 pin (N64: RCP) |
IP3 | Int1 pin (N64: Cartridge) |
IP4 | Int2 pin (N64: Pre-NMI (Reset button)) |
IP5 | Int3 pin (N64: RDB Read) |
IP6 | Int4 pin (N64: RDB Write) |
IP7 | Timer interrupt |
On the Nintendo 64, IP2 represents an RCP (Reality Coprocessor) interrupt. When an RCP interrupt occurs, a flag representing the specific RCP interface may be read from MI_INTR_REG (0x04300008).
Bit | Name | Description |
0x01 | MI_INTR_SP | Signal Processor - Task Done/Task Yield |
0x02 | MI_INTR_SI | Serial Interface - Controller input available |
0x04 | MI_INTR_AI | Audio Interface - Audio buffer swap |
0x08 | MI_INTR_VI | Video Interface - Vertical retrace |
0x10 | MI_INTR_PI | Peripheral Interface - ROM to RAM DMA done |
0x20 | MI_INTR_DP | Display Processor - RDP processing done (gDPFullSync) |
RCP-specific interrupts may be enabled or disabled by writing one or more of the following values to MI_INTR_MASK_REG (0x0430000C).
Bit | Name | Description |
0x0001 | MI_INTR_MASK_CLR_SP | Disable SP interrupts |
0x0002 | MI_INTR_MASK_SET_SP | Enable SP interrupts |
0x0004 | MI_INTR_MASK_CLR_SI | Disable SI interrupts |
0x0008 | MI_INTR_MASK_SET_SI | Enable SI interrupts |
0x0010 | MI_INTR_MASK_CLR_AI | Disable AI interrupts |
0x0020 | MI_INTR_MASK_SET_AI | Enable AI interrupts |
0x0040 | MI_INTR_MASK_CLR_VI | Disable VI interrupts |
0x0080 | MI_INTR_MASK_SET_VI | Enable VI interrupts |
0x0100 | MI_INTR_MASK_CLR_PI | Disable PI interrupts |
0x0200 | MI_INTR_MASK_SET_PI | Enable PI interrupts |
0x0400 | MI_INTR_MASK_CLR_DP | Disable DP interrupts |
0x0800 | MI_INTR_MASK_SET_DP | Enable DP interrupts |
Virtual address range | Segment | Description |
00000000:7FFFFFFF | useg | TLB mapped to physical memory Accessible in all operating modes |
80000000:9FFFFFFF | kseg0 | Cached, translated to physical address by subtracting 80000000 Accessible in kernel mode |
A0000000:BFFFFFFF | kseg1 | Uncached, translated to physical address by subtracting A0000000 Accessible in kernel mode |
C0000000:DFFFFFFF | sseg | TLB mapped to physical memory Accessible in kernel and supervisor mode |
E0000000:FFFFFFFF | kseg3 | TLB mapped to physical memory Accessible in kernel mode |
Note: Commercial Nintendo 64 games operate in kernel mode at all times.