Object header

Note: This page only reflects the US 1.0 version of the game.

The size of the object header itself is 0x78 bytes, but is usually followed by other arrays of data following the header.

Offset Type Description
0x0C f32 Model scale
0x10 s32 Offset/Address to model id array
0x14 s32 Offset/Address to ???
0x18 s32 Offset/Address to ???
0x1C s32 Offset/Address to ???
0x20 s32 Offset/Address to ???
0x24 s32 Offset/Address to ???
0x53 s8 Object model type (0 = 3D Model, 1 = 2D Billboard Sprite, 2 = Vehicle Part)
0x54 s8 Behavior Id (See: Object behaviors)
0x55 s8 Number of model ids for this object
0x60 char[16] Object's internal name