====== Level Data ====== The main level list is at 0x000A84A0 in ROM as an array of 177 "LevelEntry" structs. ===== LevelEntry struct ===== This struct simply points to a LevelInfo struct. struct LevelEntry { /*00*/ u32 unk00; /*04*/ u32 boLevelInfo; // bank-offset of LevelInfo struct }; ===== LevelInfo struct ===== This struct contains a pointer to an ObjectPlacementListInfo struct. The rest of the data hasn't been studied yet. struct LevelInfo { /*00*/ u8 unk00[8]; /*08*/ f32 unk08; /*0C*/ u8 unk0C[24]; /*24*/ void *unk24; /*28*/ u8 unk28[4]; /*2C*/ f32 unk2C; /*30*/ f32 unk30; /*34*/ u8 unk34[4]; /*38*/ f32 unk38; /*3C*/ f32 unk3C; /*40*/ u8 unk40[4]; /*44*/ f32 unk44; /*48*/ f32 unk48; /*4C*/ f32 unk4C; /*50*/ u8 unk50[4]; /*54*/ f32 unk54; /*58*/ u8 unk58[4]; /*5C*/ u32 boObjectPlacementListInfoPtr; // bank-offset of bank-offset of ObjectPlacementListInfo /*60*/ u16 unk60[0x98]; // seems to be a list of objectId's to preload? terminated by 0xFFFF? unknown size /*F8*/ u8 unkF8[28]; }; ===== ObjectPlacementListInfo struct ===== This struct simply references an array of ObjectPlacement structs. struct ObjectPlacementListInfo { /*00*/ u16 numObjects; // number of ObjectPlacement structs in the array /*02*/ u16 unk02; // probably padding /*04*/ u32 boObjectPlacements; // bank-offset of ObjectPlacement array }; ===== ObjectPlacement struct ===== This struct contains the object ID, tag(?), and position of an object to be placed in a level. struct ObjectPlacement { u16 objectId; // object ID u16 tag; // purpose seems to depend on the type of object f32 x; // x coordinate in level f32 y; // y coordinate in level };