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f3dex [2019/02/04 00:50]
redetzky Make nop commands more accurate
f3dex [2024/02/27 04:57] (current)
BanjoFreak64 [F2: G_SETTILESIZE]
Line 343: Line 343:
 Loads a new 32-bit value data to the location specified by index and offset. Loads a new 32-bit value data to the location specified by index and offset.
-''​BC <color #00a2e8>ii</​color>​ <color #22b14c>oo oo</​color>​ <color #​A946F2>​dd dd dd dd</​color>''​ +''​BC <color #22b14c>oo oo</​color>​ <color #00a2e8>ii</​color>​ <color #​A946F2>​dd dd dd dd</​color>''​ 
-| <color #00a2e8>i</​color>​ | Index into DMEM pointer table(?​) ​+| <color #22b14c>o</​color>​ | Offset from the indexed base address ​
-| <color #22b14c>o</​color>​ | Offset from the indexed base address(?​) ​|+| <color #00a2e8>i</​color>​ | Index into DMEM pointer table |
 | <color #​A946F2>​d</​color>​ | New 32-bit value | | <color #​A946F2>​d</​color>​ | New 32-bit value |
Line 399: Line 399:
 ==== C0: G_NOOP ==== ==== C0: G_NOOP ====
-Does nothing. Seemingly different from 00; this opcode ​may stall the RDP instead of the RSPor the other way around, though nothing has been really confirmed. (Judging by gbi.h from F3DEX)+Does nothing. Seemingly different from 00; judging by the names and position of this opcode ​and 00, this opcode stalls ​the RDP, whereas ​the other stalls the RSP.
 ''​C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00''​ ''​C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00''​
Line 525: Line 525:
 Sets the scissoring rectangle. Sets the scissoring rectangle.
-''​ED [<color #​00a2e8>​xx x</​color>​][<​color #​22b14c>​y yy</​color>​] [<color #​ff7f27>​m</​color>​][<color #​ed1c24>​vv v</​color>​][<​color #​B755FF>​w ww</​color>​]''​+''​ED [<color #​00a2e8>​xx x</​color>​][<​color #​22b14c>​y yy</​color>​] ​0[<color #​ff7f27>​m</​color>​] [<color #​ed1c24>​vv v</​color>​][<​color #​B755FF>​w ww</​color>​]''​
 | <color #​00a2e8>​x</​color>​ | Upper-left X coordinate of rectangle | | <color #​00a2e8>​x</​color>​ | Upper-left X coordinate of rectangle |
Line 581: Line 581:
 Sets the texture coordinates and size Sets the texture coordinates and size
-''​F2 ​00 00 00 00 [<color darkred>​WW W</​color>​][<​color ​darkgreen>H HH</​color>​]''​+''​F2 [<color darkred>SS S</​color>​][<​color darkgreen>​T TT</​color>​] 0[<color #​00a2e8>​I</​color>​] [<color purple>WW W</​color>​][<​color ​darkcyan>H HH</​color>​]''​ 
 +| <color darkred>​SSS</​color>​ | Upper-left corner of texture to load, S-axis | 
 +| <color darkgreen>​TTT</​color>​ | Upper-left corner of texture to load, T-axis | 
 +| <color #​00a2e8>​I</​color>​ | Tile descriptor to load into | 
 +| <color purple>​W</​color>​ | (width - 1) << 2 | 
 +| <color darkcyan>​H</​color>​ | (height - 1) << 2 |
-| <color darkred>​W</​color>​ | (width - 1) << 2 | 
-| <color darkgreen>​H</​color>​ | (height - 1) << 2 | 
 Examples: Examples:
f3dex.1549241407.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/04 00:50 by redetzky