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banjo_kazooie:animations [2024/11/26 16:23]
BanjoFreak64 [Animation Data]
banjo_kazooie:animations [2024/11/26 16:27] (current)
BanjoFreak64 [Transform Structure]
Line 44: Line 44:
 | Z Translation | 8 | | Z Translation | 8 |
 ===== Transform Structure ===== ===== Transform Structure =====
-The transform structure details the frames in which a transformation of the bone occurs ​(i.e. translate, rotate, or scale) ​and by how much the bone moves between frames with respect to the scale of the model (transform factor).Transform structure is repeated for instances [<color #​5724ff>​cc cc</​color>​] before introducing the next element header where [<color #​5724ff>​cc cc</​color>​] = [[https://​​wiki/​doku.php?​id=banjo_kazooie:​animations#​element_header:​~:​text=0x0004-,​%5Bcc%20cc%5D,​-Data%20Count|Data Count]]. The first two bytes of data contain two bits representing unknown values and fourteen bits which determine the frame of a transformation.+The transform structure details the frames in which a transformation of the bone occurs and by how much the bone moves between frames with respect to the scale of the model (transform factor). Transform structure is repeated for instances [<color #​5724ff>​cc cc</​color>​] before introducing the next element header where [<color #​5724ff>​cc cc</​color>​] = [[https://​​wiki/​doku.php?​id=banjo_kazooie:​animations#​element_header:​~:​text=0x0004-,​%5Bcc%20cc%5D,​-Data%20Count|Data Count]]. The first two bytes of data contain two bits representing unknown values and fourteen bits which determine the frame of a transformation.
 *Bitwise Parameters: *Bitwise Parameters:
banjo_kazooie/animations.1732638218.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/11/26 16:23 by BanjoFreak64