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banjo_kazooie:animations [2024/11/25 22:29]
BanjoFreak64 [Transform Structure]
banjo_kazooie:animations [2024/11/26 16:27] (current)
BanjoFreak64 [Transform Structure]
Line 1: Line 1:
 ======== Animation Data ======== ======== Animation Data ========
-Banjo-Kazooie uses animation files comprised of a list of Internal Bone IDs, their transformation type (scale, rotate or translate), and across which frames of an animation these transformations occur. Animation indices can be found by searching ​the [[https://​​wiki/​doku.php?​id=banjo_kazooie:​rom_map | Rom Map]].+Banjo-Kazooie uses animation files comprised of a list of [[https://​​wiki/​doku.php?​id=banjo_kazooie:​model_data#​animation_setup:​~:​text=ii%20ii%5D-,​Internal%20Bone%20ID,​-0x000E|Internal Bone IDs]], their transformation type (scale, rotate or translate), and across which frames of an animation these transformations occur. Animation indices can be found in the [[https://​​wiki/​doku.php?​id=banjo_kazooie:​rom_map | Rom Map]].
-Animation bins are consistently comprised of three segments: ​ 
-  * The file header, which is always 0x8 bytes in length and details the start and end frames of the animation as well as the amount of elements impacting the various bones of a model. 
-  * The element header, which acts as a definition for which bone of a model is affected along with which transform type* is being utilized, and how many times that bone transforms between the start and end frames. Each element header is 0x4 bytes in length. 
-  * The transform structure, which details the frames in which a transformation of the bone occurs (i.e. translate, rotate, or scale) and by how much the bone moves between frames with respect to the scale of the model (transform factor). 
 +===== Header =====
 +The file header is 0x8 bytes in length and details the start and end frames of the animation as well as the amount of elements impacting the various bones of a model.
-===== Header ===== 
 ^ Address ^ Value / Syntax ^ Description ^ ^ Address ^ Value / Syntax ^ Description ^
 | 0x0000 | [<color #​ed1c24>​xx xx</​color>​] | Start Frame of animation | | 0x0000 | [<color #​ed1c24>​xx xx</​color>​] | Start Frame of animation |
Line 21: Line 17:
 ''<​color #​ed1c24>​00 0F</​color>​ <color #​ffaec9>​00 A5</​color>​ <color #​a800ff>​00 48</​color>​ 00 00''​ ''<​color #​ed1c24>​00 0F</​color>​ <color #​ffaec9>​00 A5</​color>​ <color #​a800ff>​00 48</​color>​ 00 00''​
-Loads an animation beginning at frame 15 (0x0F) and ending at frame 165 (0xA5) with 72 (0x48) elements across those frames.+Loads an animation beginning at frame 15 (<color #ed1c24>0x0F</​color>​) and ending at frame 165 (<color #ffaec9>0xA5</​color>​) with 72 (<color #a800ff>0x48</​color>​) elements across those frames.
 ===== Element Header ===== ===== Element Header =====
-*Note that each Internal Bone ID may have more than one element corresponding to a separate, singular ​transformation type of that Bone during the animation. The Element Header is a pseudo header for each transform type based on the selected internal ​bone ID. An element header only exists before the transform section for its respective bone ID and a new one is generated when all transforms for data count [<color #​5724ff>​cc cc</​color>​] have been written.+The element header establishes that an internal bone ID is affected, which transform typeis occurring, and how many times that bone transforms between the start and end frames. Element headers are 0x4 bytes. Each Internal Bone ID may have more than one element corresponding to a separate transformation type of that bone. An element header only exists before the transform section for its respective bone ID and a new one is generated when all transforms for data count [<color #​5724ff>​cc cc</​color>​] have been written.
 ^ Offset from End of Header ^ Value / Syntax ^ Description ^ ^ Offset from End of Header ^ Value / Syntax ^ Description ^
 | 0x0000 | [<color #​00c6ff>​aa a</​color><​color #​ff8a00>​b</​color>​] | <color #​00c6ff>​aa</​color>​ = Internal Bone ID, <color #​ff8a00>​b</​color>​ = Transform Type* | | 0x0000 | [<color #​00c6ff>​aa a</​color><​color #​ff8a00>​b</​color>​] | <color #​00c6ff>​aa</​color>​ = Internal Bone ID, <color #​ff8a00>​b</​color>​ = Transform Type* |
Line 35: Line 31:
 ''<​color #​00c6ff>​00 1</​color><​color #​ff8a00>​0</​color>​ <color #​5724ff>​00 09</​color>''​ ''<​color #​00c6ff>​00 1</​color><​color #​ff8a00>​0</​color>​ <color #​5724ff>​00 09</​color>''​
-This element targets Internal Bone ID 0x1, rotates the bone around the X axis, and does this at 9 different points between frames 15 and 165.+This element targets Internal Bone ID 1 (<color #​00c6ff>​0x1</​color>​), rotates the bone around the X axis (<color #​ff8a00>​0x0</​color>​), and does this at 9 (<color #​5724ff>​0x9</​color>​) ​different points between frames 15 and 165.
 ^ *Transform Type ^ Value ^ ^ *Transform Type ^ Value ^
Line 47: Line 43:
 | Y Translation | 7 | | Y Translation | 7 |
 | Z Translation | 8 | | Z Translation | 8 |
 +===== Transform Structure =====
 +The transform structure details the frames in which a transformation of the bone occurs and by how much the bone moves between frames with respect to the scale of the model (transform factor). Transform structure is repeated for instances [<color #​5724ff>​cc cc</​color>​] before introducing the next element header where [<color #​5724ff>​cc cc</​color>​] = [[https://​​wiki/​doku.php?​id=banjo_kazooie:​animations#​element_header:​~:​text=0x0004-,​%5Bcc%20cc%5D,​-Data%20Count|Data Count]]. The first two bytes of data contain two bits representing unknown values and fourteen bits which determine the frame of a transformation.
 +*Bitwise Parameters:
 +[<color #​ed1c24>​xx xx</​color>​] => ''​[<​color #​99d9ea>​D</​color><​color #​c3c3c3>​E</​color>​ <color #​22b14c>​FF FF FF FF FF FF FF</​color>​]''​
 +| <color #​99d9ea>​D</​color>​ | Unknown 1 |
 +| <color #​c3c3c3>​E</​color>​ | Unknown 2 |
 +| <color #​22b14c>​FF FF FF FF FF FF FF</​color>​ | Frame of Transformation |
 +So data for each transform structure can best be represented like this:
-===== Transform Structure ===== 
-*Note that transform structure is repeated for instances [<color #​5724ff>​cc cc</​color>​] where <color #​5724ff>​cc cc</​color>​ = Data Count  from the preceding element header prior to introducing the next element header. 
 ^ Offset from End of Element Header ^ Value / Syntax ^ Description ^ ^ Offset from End of Element Header ^ Value / Syntax ^ Description ^
-| 0x0000| [<color #99d9ea>d</​color><​color #22b14c>e ee</​color>​] | <color #99d9ea>d</​color> ​= ?? (0x0, 0x4, 0x8, or 0xC), <color #22b14c>e ee</​color> ​= Frame of transform ​+| 0x0000 | [<color #ed1c24>xx xx</​color>​] | *Bitwise Parameters for <color #99d9ea>Unk1</​color>​<color #c3c3c3>Unk2</​color>, ​and <color #22b14c>Frame of Transformation</​color>​ | 
-0x0004| [<color #fff200>ff ff</​color>​] | Transform Factor |+0x0002 ​| [<color #fff200>gg gg</​color>​] | Transform Factor |
 **Example (60f0.bin, Banjo'​s Backflip at address 0x0C):** **Example (60f0.bin, Banjo'​s Backflip at address 0x0C):**
-''<​color #99d9ea>C</​color>​ <color #​22b14c>​00F</​color>​ <color #​fff200>​15 E6</​color>''​+''<​color #ed1c24>C0 0F</​color>​ <color #​fff200>​15 E6</​color>''​
-At frame 15 (0xF), ​transform ​by a factor of 87.59375 (0x15E6).+At frame 15 (<color #22b14c>0xF</​color>​), two bitwise parameters are set as true (if [<color #​99d9ea>​d</​color>​] = <color #​99d9ea>​1</​color>​ and [<color #​c3c3c3>​e</​color>​] = <color #​c3c3c3>​1</​color>,​ then the remaining two bits must return false to equal 0x<color #​ed1c24>​C</​color>​) and then the bone transforms ​by a factor of 87.59375 (<color #fff200>0x15E6</​color>​).
banjo_kazooie/animations.1732573766.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/25 22:29 by BanjoFreak64