The following settings must be used to enable the script console.
Go to Options > Configuration and uncheck Hide advanced settings. Optional: You may also want to uncheck Pause emulation when window is not active for general debugging.
Click Advanced, then check Enable Debugger. Optional: Check Always use interpreter core -- This is required for some of the events interface functions to work, but it may impact game performance.
Go to Debugger > Scripts... to open the script console.
You can view the scripts directory in the file explorer by clicking the ... button. JavaScript (*.js) files in the root of this directory are visible to the console.
A script may be toggled by double clicking it, or selecting it and then clicking the Run/Stop button.
While a script is active you may select it and enter code in the input box at the bottom of of the window. Entered code is evaluated in the selected script's instance (namespace is not shared between instances). You can use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through input history.
You may configure a script to run automatically when Project64 is started by right clicking it and clicking Autorun...
Project64's script system uses the Duktape JavaScript engine. Duktape supports ECMAScript E5 and some features from ES2015+.
console.log("Hello", "world!");
console.print("Hello "); console.print("world!\n");
Overrides the default input behavior; console input will be passed to inputListener instead of being evaluated as JS code.
The listener may be unset by calling console.listen(null).
console.listen(function(input) { var args = input.split(" "); var command = args.shift(); switch(command) { case "ping": console.log("pong (args were:", args.join(", "), ")"); return; case "end": console.log("done"); console.listen(null); return; default: console.log("unknown command '" + command + "'"); } });
Path to the current ROM directory. Read-only.
Object containing information about the current ROM. null if no ROM is loaded.
pj64.romInfo.goodName | RDB "Good Name". |
pj64.romInfo.fileName | Name of the ROM file including the file extension. |
pj64.romInfo.filePath | Path to the ROM file. |
pj64.romInfo.crc1 | Internal CRC 1. |
pj64.romInfo.crc2 | Internal CRC 2. | | Internal name. |
pj64.romInfo.mediaFormat | Internal media format number. | | Internal ID character pair. |
pj64.romInfo.countryCode | Internal country code character. |
pj64.romInfo.version | Internal version number. |
// Read some data from ROM and RAM var firstWordInROM = mem.u32[0xB0000000]; var firstWordInRAM = mem.u32[0x80000000];
// Move player to 0,0,0 (SM64 US) const pPlayerX = 0x8033B1AC; const pPlayerY = 0x8033B1B0; const pPlayerZ = 0x8033B1B4; mem.f32[pPlayerX] = 0; mem.f32[pPlayerY] = 0; mem.f32[pPlayerZ] = 0;
mem.bindvar(global, 0x8033B1AC, 'playerX', f32); mem.bindvar(global, 0x8033B1B0, 'playerY', f32); mem.bindvar(global, 0x8033B1B4, 'playerZ', f32); console.log("Player's coordinates are ", playerX, playerY, playerZ);
Adds multiple memory-bound properties to object. vars must be an array in which each item is an array containing an address, name, and type ID (in order) describing a variable.
Returns object.
mem.bindvars(global, [ [ 0x8033B1AC, 'playerX', f32 ], [ 0x8033B1B0, 'playerY', f32 ], [ 0x8033B1B4, 'playerZ', f32 ] ]); console.log("Player's coordinates are ", playerX, playerY, playerZ);
Adds multiple memory-bound properties to object. properties must be an object in which each key/value pair specifies the name and type ID of a variable.
Returns object.
var playerPos = mem.bindstruct({}, 0x8033B1AC, { x: f32, y: f32, z: f32 }); console.log("Player's coordinates are ", playerPos.x, playerPos.y, playerPos.z);
const vec3f = mem.typedef({ x: f32, y: f32, z: f32 }); var playerAngle = new vec3f(0x8033B19C); var playerPos = new vec3f(0x8033B1AC);
fs.writefile("ram_dump.bin", mem.getblock(K0BASE, mem.ramSize));
mem.setblock(0x80400000, fs.readfile("textures.bin"));
const romName = mem.getstring(0xB0000020, 0x14);
// C duk_ret_t example(duk_context* ctx) { uint8_t* memory = NULL; duk_get_global_string(ctx, "mem"); duk_get_prop_string(ctx, -1, "ptr"); memory = duk_get_pointer(ctx, -1); duk_pop_n(ctx, 3); // do something to memory here return 0; }
Returns a callback ID.
e.callbackId | ID of the callback associated with the event. |
e.state | State number. See table below. |
EMU_STARTED | Emulation started. |
EMU_STOPPED | Emulation stopped. |
EMU_PAUSED | Emulation paused. |
EMU_RESUMED | Emulation resumed from a pause. |
EMU_RESETTING | Emulation is resetting. |
EMU_RESET | Emulation reset. |
EMU_LOADED_ROM | A ROM or 64DD image has been loaded. |
EMU_DEBUG_PAUSED | Emulation paused via debugger break. |
EMU_DEBUG_RESUMED | Emulation resumed via the debugger. |
Returns a callback ID.
// SM64 US events.onexec(0x802CB1C0, function() { console.log("func_802CB1C0 was called"); });
// Log every CPU step events.onexec(ADDR_ANY, function(e) { console.log(e.pc.hex() + ": " + asm.decode(mem.u32[e.pc], e.pc)); });
e.callbackId | ID of the callback associated with the event. |
e.pc | Program counter address. |
Returns a callback ID.
Returns a callback ID.
e.callbackId | ID of the callback associated with the event. |
e.pc | Program counter address. |
e.address | Address that the CPU is going to read/write. |
e.fpu | true if the source/destination register is on the floating point unit. |
e.reg | Index of the source/destination register. |
e.valueType | The value's type ID. Varies depending on the opcode; refer to the table below. |
e.value | Value that the CPU is going to read/write. |
e.valueHi | Upper 32 bits of the value if e.valueType is u64; otherwise undefined. |
e.valueType | Opcode(s) |
s8 | LB, SB |
u8 | LBU |
s16 | LH, SH |
u16 | LHU |
s32 | LL, LW, LWL, LWR, SW, SWL, SWR |
u32 | LWU |
u64 | LD, LDL, LDR, SD, SDL, SDR |
f32 | LWC1, SWC1 |
f64 | LDC1, SDC1 |
Returns a callback ID.
// Log every JAL const JAL = asm.encode("jal 0"); const ANY_TARGET = 0xFC000000; // Mask off target field events.onopcode(ADDR_ANY, JAL, ANY_TARGET, function(e) { console.log(e.pc.hex() + ": " + asm.decode(mem.u32[e.pc], e.pc)); });
e.callbackId | ID of the callback associated with the event. |
e.pc | Program counter address. |
e.opcode | The opcode. |
Returns a callback ID.
See General purpose register flags for a list of valid flags. Multiple registers may be specified via bitwise OR.
// Break when any general purpose register contains 0x49533634 const IS64_SIGNATURE = 0x49533634; events.ongprvalue(ADDR_ANY, GPR_ANY, IS64_SIGNATURE, function() { debug.breakhere(); });
e.callbackId | ID of the callback associated with the event. |
e.pc | Program counter address. |
e.value | The value. |
e.reg | Index of the register containing the value. |
Returns a callback ID.
Useful for monitoring and overriding controller input.
// Log P1's controller input events.onpifread(function() { if(mem.u32[PIF_RAM_START + 0x00] == 0xFF010401) { console.log(mem.u32[PIF_RAM_START + 0x04].hex()); } });
// Play an M64 TAS file var m64file = fs.readfile("sm64-1key.m64"); var numSamples = m64file.readUInt32LE(0x018); var sampleIndex = 0; events.onpifread(function() { for(var nController = 0; nController < 4; nController++) { var cmdAddr = PIF_RAM_START + (nController * 8); if(mem.u32[cmdAddr + 0x00] == 0xFF010401 && sampleIndex < numSamples) { mem.u32[cmdAddr + 0x04] = m64file.readUInt32BE(0x400 + sampleIndex * 4); sampleIndex++; } } });
e.callbackId | ID of the callback associated with the event. |
Returns a callback ID.
Useful for monitoring and overriding display lists and audio lists.
events.onsptask(function(e) { if (e.taskType == M_GFXTASK) { console.log("Display list address: " + e.dataAddress); } else if (e.taskType == M_AUDTASK) { console.log("Audio list address: " + e.dataAddress); } });
e.callbackId | ID of the callback associated with the event. |
e.taskType | The task type. M_GFXTASK (1) for graphics tasks, or M_AUDTASK (2) for audio tasks. |
e.taskFlags | Task flags. |
e.ucodeBootAddress | Address of the boot microcode. |
e.ucodeBootSize | Size of the boot microcode. |
e.ucodeAddress | Address of the task microcode. |
e.ucodeSize | Size of the task microcode. |
e.ucodeDataAddress | Address of the microcode data. |
e.ucodeDataSize | Size of the microcode data. |
e.dramStackAddress | Address of the DRAM matrix stack. |
e.dramStackSize | Size of the DRAM matrix stack. |
e.outputBuffAddress | DP command buffer address for "_dram" and "_fifo" graphics microcodes. |
e.outputBuffSize | DP command buffer size for "_dram" and "_fifo" graphics microcodes. |
e.dataAddress | Address of the display list or audio list. |
e.dataSize | Size of the display list or audio list. |
e.yieldDataAddress | Address of the yield data buffer. |
e.yieldDataSize | Size of the yield data buffer. |
Note: The properties of this object differ slightly from those in the DMEM OSTask structure; all physical addresses are converted to KSEG0 addresses.
Returns a callback ID.
// Log all cartridge <-> RDRAM data transfers events.onpidma(function(e) { var dir = e.direction == OS_READ ? 'READ' : 'WRITE'; console.log('[PI]', dir, e.dramAddress.hex(), e.cartAddress.hex(), e.length.hex()); });
e.callbackId | The ID of the callback associated with the event. |
e.direction | The direction of the DMA transfer. May be OS_READ (0), or OS_WRITE (1). |
e.dramAddress | The address in PI_DRAM_ADDR_REG (+K0BASE). |
e.cartAddress | The address in PI_CART_ADDR_REG (+K1BASE). |
e.length | The value of PI_RD_LEN_REG or PI_WR_LEN_REG (+1), depending on the transfer direction. |
Returns a callback ID.
DrawEvent's drawingContext property is a DrawingContext object whose methods can be used to draw over or sample the current frame.
events.ondraw(function(e) { var ctx = e.drawingContext; ctx.drawtext(20, 20, "Hello world!"); });
The event's DrawingContext object expires when callback returns.
e.callbackId | ID of the callback associated with the event. |
e.drawingContext | DrawingContext object. |
Returns a callback ID.
Returns a callback ID.
Returns a callback ID.
e.callbackId | ID of the callback associated with the event. |
e.button | The mouse button number. See table below. |
e.x | Cursor X position. |
e.y | Cursor Y position. |
MouseEvent.LEFT | 0 |
MouseEvent.MIDDLE | 1 |
MouseEvent.RIGHT | 2 |
MouseEvent.NONE | -1 |
// This callback will only be invoked once events.onexec(0x802CB1C0, function(e) { console.log("func_802CB1C0 was called"); events.remove(e.callbackId); });
The following AddressRange objects are defined globally:
ADDR_ANY | 0x00000000 : 0xFFFFFFFF | Any address |
ADDR_ANY_KUSEG | 0x00000000 : 0x7FFFFFFF | MIPS user mode TLB mapped segment |
ADDR_ANY_KSEG0 | 0x80000000 : 0x9FFFFFFF | MIPS cached unmapped segment |
ADDR_ANY_KSEG1 | 0xA0000000 : 0xBFFFFFFF | MIPS uncached unmapped segment |
ADDR_ANY_KSEG2 | 0xC0000000 : 0xFFFFFFFF | MIPS kernel mode TLB mapped segment |
ADDR_ANY_RDRAM | 0x80000000 : 0x807FFFFF | Cached RDRAM |
ADDR_ANY_RDRAM_UNC | 0xA0000000 : 0xA07FFFFF | Uncached RDRAM |
ADDR_ANY_CART_ROM | 0x90000000 : 0x95FFFFFF | Cached cartridge ROM |
ADDR_ANY_CART_ROM_UNC | 0xB0000000 : 0xB5FFFFFF | Uncached cartridge ROM |
Throws an error if address is out of bounds.
Throws an error if offset is out of bounds.
This object is accessed via events.ondraw.
events.ondraw(function(e) { var ctx = e.drawingContext; ctx.drawtext(20, 20, "Hello world!"); });Note: Not compatible with Windows XP. A Direct3D graphics plugin may be required on Windows 7.
events.ondraw(function(e) { var ctx = e.drawingContext; ctx.drawtext(20, 20, "Power: " + mem.u8[0x8033B21E]); });
// Draw some text with a black background rectangle events.ondraw(function(e) { var ctx = e.drawingContext; const text = "HELLO\nWORLD"; const x = 100, y = 100; var textMetrics = ctx.measuretext(text); ctx.fillColor = COLOR_BLACK; ctx.fillrect(x, y, textMetrics.width, textMetrics.height); ctx.fillColor = COLOR_WHITE; ctx.fontWeight = 'bold'; ctx.drawtext(x, y, text); });
textMetrics.left | Reserved; always 0 | | Reserved; always 0 |
textMetrics.width | Width of the bounding rectangle |
textMetrics.height | Height of the bounding rectangle |
Draws an N64Image object to the screen.
dx: Destination X position.
dx: Destination Y position.
image: The N64Image object to draw.
dw: Optional destination width.
dh: Optional destination height.
sx: Optional source X.
sy: Optional source Y.
sw: Optional source width.
sh: Optional source height.
var image = N64Image.fromPNG(fs.readfile('image.png')); events.ondraw(function(e) { var ctx = e.drawingContext; ctx.drawimage(10, 10, image); });
ctx.fillColor = COLOR_GREEN;See also: Predefined colors.
COLOR_BLACK | 0x000000FF |
COLOR_GRAY | 0x808080FF |
COLOR_RED | 0xFF0000FF |
const clrYellow = RGBA(255, 255, 0); // 0xFFFF00FF const clrTranslucentRed = RGBA(255, 0, 0, 0.5); // 0xFF000080
// 0xFF0000FF -> 0xFF000080 const clrTranslucentRed = RGBA(COLOR_RED, 0.5);
width: Width of the image.
height: Height of the image.
format: Optional image format. IMG_RGBA32 by default. See the table below for supported formats.
pixels: Optional Buffer object containing pixel data.
The byte length must be equal to (width * height * N64Image.bpp(format)) / 8. Copied to image.pixels.
palette: Optional Buffer object containing palette data. Copied to image.palette.
Format | Pixels | Palette |
IMG_RGBA16 | 16-bit colors (r5g5b5a1) | (not used) |
IMG_RGBA32 | 32-bit colors (r8g8b8a8) | (not used) |
IMG_CI4_RGBA16 | 4-bit color indices | 16-bit colors (r5g5b5a1) |
IMG_CI4_IA16 | 4-bit color indices | 16-bit intensity/alpha values (i8a8) |
IMG_CI8_RGBA16 | 8-bit color indices | 16-bit colors (r5g5b5a1) |
IMG_CI8_IA16 | 8-bit color indices | 16-bit intensity/alpha values (i8a8) |
IMG_IA4 | 4-bit intensity/alpha values (i3a1) | (not used) |
IMG_IA8 | 8-bit intensity/alpha values (i4a4) | (not used) |
IMG_IA16 | 16-bit intensity/alpha values (i8a8) | (not used) |
IMG_I4 | 4-bit intensity values | (not used) |
IMG_I8 | 8-bit intensity values | (not used) |
var image = N64Image.fromPNG(fs.readfile("image.png"));Color quantization is not implemented. An error is thrown if format is a color-index (CI) type and the color count of the PNG image exceeds the maximum number of colors supported. The maximum number of colors supported by the CI4 and CI8 formats are 16 and 256, respectively.
Static function. Returns a simplified image format number from a given GBI pixel size and format configuration. Returns -1 if the configuration is invalid or unsupported. See the table below for supported configurations.
gbiFmt | gbiSiz | gbiTlutFmt | Return value |
G_IM_FMT_RGBA | G_IM_SIZ_16b | (not used) | IMG_RGBA16 |
G_IM_FMT_RGBA | G_IM_SIZ_32b | (not used) | IMG_RGBA32 |
G_IM_FMT_CI | G_IM_SIZ_4b | G_TT_IA16 | IMG_CI4_IA16 |
G_IM_FMT_CI | G_IM_SIZ_8b | G_TT_IA16 | IMG_CI8_IA16 |
G_IM_FMT_IA | G_IM_SIZ_4b | (not used) | IMG_IA4 |
G_IM_FMT_IA | G_IM_SIZ_8b | (not used) | IMG_IA8 |
G_IM_FMT_IA | G_IM_SIZ_16b | (not used) | IMG_IA16 |
G_IM_FMT_I | G_IM_SIZ_4b | (not used) | IMG_I4 |
G_IM_FMT_I | G_IM_SIZ_8b | (not used) | IMG_I8 |
N64Image.bpp(IMG_CI8_RGBA16); // 8 N64Image.bpp(G_IM_SIZ_16b); // 16
fs.writefile("image.png", image.toPNG());
Variables representing the CPU's Coprocessor 0 registers.
cpu.cop0.index | Index register. |
cpu.cop0.random | Random register. |
cpu.cop0.entrylo0 | EntryLo0 register. |
cpu.cop0.entrylo1 | EntryLo1 register. |
cpu.cop0.context | Context register. |
cpu.cop0.pagemask | PageMask register. |
cpu.cop0.wired | Wired register. |
cpu.cop0.badvaddr | BadVAddr register. |
cpu.cop0.count | Count register. |
cpu.cop0.entryhi | EntryHi register. | | Compare register. |
cpu.cop0.status | Status register. |
cpu.cop0.cause | Cause register. Generates an interrupt when written. |
cpu.cop0.epc | EPC register. |
cpu.cop0.config | Config register. |
cpu.cop0.taglo | TagLo register. |
cpu.cop0.taghi | TagHi register. |
cpu.cop0.errorepc | ErrorEPC register. |
Emulation may be resumed by calling debug.resume() or clicking the "Go" button in the CPU commands window.
// Break if the CPU tries to write 5 to 0x80339EA8 events.onwrite(0x80339EA8, function(e) { if(e.value == 5) { debug.breakhere(); } });
// Do not let the CPU write to 0x8033B21E events.onwrite(0x8033B21E, function() { debug.skip(); });
Returns the opcode as a number.
asm.encode("nop"); // 0x00000000 asm.encode("addiu sp, sp, -24"); // 0x27BDFFE8 asm.encode("b 0x80400000", 0x803FFF00); // 0x1000003F asm.encode("b 0x80400000", 0x80400100); // 0x1000FFBF
Returns a line of assembly code as a string.
asm.decode(0x00000000); // "NOP" asm.decode(0x27BDFFE8); // "ADDIU SP, SP, -0x18" asm.decode(0x1000003F, 0x803FFF00); // "B 0x80400000" asm.decode(0x1000FFBF, 0x80400100); // "B 0x80400000"
asm.gprname(4); // Returns "a0"
Returns a file descriptor.
offset: Optional position in the source buffer.
length: Optional maximum number of bytes to write.
position: Optional file position.
Returns the number of bytes written.
var fd ="file.txt", "wb"); fs.write(fd, "Hello "); fs.write(fd, "world!\n"); fs.close(fd);
fs.writefile("ram_dump.bin", mem.getblock(K0BASE, mem.ramSize));
offset: Position in the source buffer.
length: Number of bytes to read.
position: File position.
Returns the number of bytes read.
Object containing information about a file or directory. Generated by fs.fstat/fs.stat. | ID of the device the file resides on |
stats.ino | inode number |
stats.mode | File permissions |
stats.nlink | Number of links to the file |
stats.uid | User ID |
stats.gid | Group ID |
stats.rdev | Device ID (if file is character or block special) |
stats.size | Size of the file in bytes |
stats.atimeMs | Last access timestamp in milliseconds |
stats.mtimeMs | Last modification timestamp in milliseconds |
stats.ctimeMs | Creation timestamp in milliseconds |
stats.atime | JS Date object representing the last access time |
stats.mtime | JS Date object representing the last modification time |
stats.ctime | JS Date object representing the creation time |
Returns true if the fs.Stats object describes a directory.
stats.isFile()Returns true if the fs.Stats object describes a regular file.
Creates a Socket object. options may contain the following properties:
allowHalfOpen | If true, the socket will not automatically fully close when the read half is closed. false by default. |
var client = new Socket(); client.connect(80, '', function() { var response = ''; client.on('data', function(data) { response += data.toString(); }); client.on('end', function() { console.log(response); }); const message = [ "GET / HTTP/1.1", "Host:", "Connection: close", "\r\n" ].join("\r\n"); client.end(message); });
Sends data on the socket.
Optional callback is invoked when all bytes of data are sent.Sends optional data and closes the write half of the socket after all buffered writes are sent.
Optional callback is invoked when all buffered writes are sent and the write half of the socket is closed.Registers a listener for the 'connect' event.
listener is invoked when the connection is established.Returns the Socket object.
Registers a listener for the 'lookup' event.
listener receives an object with the following properties when the host name is resolved:
err | null, or an Error object if an error occurred (TODO) |
address | IP address string |
port | Port number |
family | "IPv4" or "IPv6" |
Returns the Socket object.
Registers a listener for the 'data' event.
listener receives data as a Buffer object.Returns the Socket object.
Registers a listener for the 'end' event.
listener is invoked when the other side closes the read half of the socket.Returns the Socket object.
Registers a listener for the 'close' event.
listener is invoked when the socket is fully closed.Returns the Socket object.
Registers a listener for the 'drain' event.
listener is invoked when all buffered writes are sent.Returns the Socket object.
Registers a listener for the 'error' event.
listener receives an Error object when an error occurs.Returns the Socket object.
Returns the Socket object.
var server = new Server(); server.listen(1337, ""); server.on('connection', function(c) { c.on('data', function(data) { if(data.toString() == 'ping') { c.write('pong'); } }); c.on('end', function() { console.log("client ended connection"); }) });
Registers a listener for the 'connection' event.
listener receives a Socket object when a client has connected.Returns the Server object.
Registers a listener for the 'listening' event.
listener is invoked when the server begins listening for connections.Returns the Server object.
Registers a listener for the 'close' event.
listener is invoked when the server is closed.Returns the Server object.
Registers a listener for the 'error' event.
listener receives an Error object when an error occurs.Returns the Server object.
Returns the Server object.
global.test = 1; console.log(test); // "1"
API major version name.
"jsapi-2" | Second edition (Project64 4.0+) |
undefined | First edition (Project64 2.4 to 3.x) |
if (typeof PJ64_JSAPI_VERSION !== 'undefined') { // use new API } else { // use old API }See also: First edition documentation
- The name of a JavaScript (*.js) or DLL (*.dll) file in the Scripts/modules directory.
- If id begins with ./ or ../, the path of a JavaScript or DLL file relative to the calling module's location.
/* Scripts/module_example.js */ const mymodule = require('mymodule/lib.js'); // Loads Scripts/modules/mymodule/lib.js mymodule.init(); // Prints "Loaded mymodule"
/* Scripts/modules/mymodule/lib.js */ function init() { console.log("Loaded mymodule"); } module.exports = { init: init };
Native modules use the Duktape C module convention.
Returns the standard output of the subprocess as a string.
options may contain any of the following properties:
showWindow | If true, the window of the subprocess is visible. false by default. |
verbose | If true, the output of the subprocess is sent to the script manager console. false by default. |
cwd | Current working directory of the subprocess. By default this is the directory containing Project64. |
This function throws an error if the operation fails or if the exit code of the subprocess is non-zero. The thrown error object contains the following properties:
status | The exit code of the subprocess. |
stdout | The standard output of the subprocess. |
stderr | The standard error output of the subprocess. |
pid | The PID of the subprocess. |
try { exec("dir", { verbose: true }); } catch(err) { console.log("exec() failed with code", err.status); console.log(err.stderr); }
Returns a timeout ID.
Returns an interval ID.
var n = 123; n.hex(); // 0000007B n.hex(4); // 007B
u8 | Unsigned 8-bit integer |
u16 | Unsigned 16-bit integer |
u32 | Unsigned 32-bit integer |
s8 | Signed 8-bit integer |
s16 | Signed 16-bit integer |
s32 | Signed 32-bit integer |
f32 | 32-bit single precision floating-point |
f64 | 64-bit double precision floating-point |
u64 | Unsigned 64-bit integer |
s64 | Signed 64-bit integer |
Note: The mem.bind*/mem.typedef APIs do not currently support u64 and s64.
RDRAM_DELAY_REG | 0xA3F00008 |
RDRAM_REF_ROW_REG | 0xA3F00014 |
SP_MEM_ADDR_REG | 0xA4040000 |
SP_DRAM_ADDR_REG | 0xA4040004 |
SP_RD_LEN_REG | 0xA4040008 |
SP_WR_LEN_REG | 0xA404000C |
SP_STATUS_REG | 0xA4040010 |
SP_DMA_FULL_REG | 0xA4040014 |
SP_DMA_BUSY_REG | 0xA4040018 |
SP_PC_REG | 0xA4080000 |
SP_IBIST_REG | 0xA4080004 |
DPC_START_REG | 0xA4100000 |
DPC_END_REG | 0xA4100004 |
DPC_CURRENT_REG | 0xA4100008 |
DPC_STATUS_REG | 0xA410000C |
DPC_CLOCK_REG | 0xA4100010 |
DPC_BUFBUSY_REG | 0xA4100014 |
DPC_PIPEBUSY_REG | 0xA4100018 |
DPC_TMEM_REG | 0xA410001C |
DPS_TBIST_REG | 0xA4200000 |
DPS_TEST_MODE_REG | 0xA4200004 |
MI_INIT_MODE_REG | 0xA4300000 |
MI_MODE_REG | 0xA4300000 |
MI_VERSION_REG | 0xA4300004 |
MI_NOOP_REG | 0xA4300004 |
MI_INTR_REG | 0xA4300008 |
MI_INTR_MASK_REG | 0xA430000C |
VI_STATUS_REG | 0xA4400000 |
VI_CONTROL_REG | 0xA4400000 |
VI_ORIGIN_REG | 0xA4400004 |
VI_DRAM_ADDR_REG | 0xA4400004 |
VI_WIDTH_REG | 0xA4400008 |
VI_H_WIDTH_REG | 0xA4400008 |
VI_INTR_REG | 0xA440000C |
VI_V_INTR_REG | 0xA440000C |
VI_CURRENT_REG | 0xA4400010 |
VI_V_CURRENT_LINE_REG | 0xA4400010 |
VI_BURST_REG | 0xA4400014 |
VI_TIMING_REG | 0xA4400014 |
VI_V_SYNC_REG | 0xA4400018 |
VI_H_SYNC_REG | 0xA440001C |
VI_LEAP_REG | 0xA4400020 |
VI_H_SYNC_LEAP_REG | 0xA4400020 |
VI_H_START_REG | 0xA4400024 |
VI_H_VIDEO_REG | 0xA4400024 |
VI_V_START_REG | 0xA4400028 |
VI_V_VIDEO_REG | 0xA4400028 |
VI_V_BURST_REG | 0xA440002C |
VI_X_SCALE_REG | 0xA4400030 |
VI_Y_SCALE_REG | 0xA4400034 |
AI_DRAM_ADDR_REG | 0xA4500000 |
AI_LEN_REG | 0xA4500004 |
AI_CONTROL_REG | 0xA4500008 |
AI_STATUS_REG | 0xA450000C |
AI_DACRATE_REG | 0xA4500010 |
AI_BITRATE_REG | 0xA4500014 |
PI_DRAM_ADDR_REG | 0xA4600000 |
PI_CART_ADDR_REG | 0xA4600004 |
PI_RD_LEN_REG | 0xA4600008 |
PI_WR_LEN_REG | 0xA460000C |
PI_STATUS_REG | 0xA4600010 |
PI_BSD_DOM1_LAT_REG | 0xA4600014 |
PI_BSD_DOM1_PWD_REG | 0xA4600018 |
PI_BSD_DOM1_PGS_REG | 0xA460001C |
PI_BSD_DOM1_RLS_REG | 0xA4600020 |
PI_BSD_DOM2_LAT_REG | 0xA4600024 |
PI_BSD_DOM2_PWD_REG | 0xA4600028 |
PI_BSD_DOM2_PGS_REG | 0xA460002C |
PI_BSD_DOM2_RLS_REG | 0xA4600030 |
RI_MODE_REG | 0xA4700000 |
RI_CONFIG_REG | 0xA4700004 |
RI_CURRENT_LOAD_REG | 0xA4700008 |
RI_SELECT_REG | 0xA470000C |
RI_REFRESH_REG | 0xA4700010 |
RI_COUNT_REG | 0xA4700010 |
RI_LATENCY_REG | 0xA4700014 |
RI_RERROR_REG | 0xA4700018 |
RI_WERROR_REG | 0xA470001C |
SI_DRAM_ADDR_REG | 0xA4800000 |
SI_PIF_ADDR_RD64B_REG | 0xA4800004 |
SI_PIF_ADDR_WR64B_REG | 0xA4800010 |
SI_STATUS_REG | 0xA4800018 |
PIF_ROM_START | 0xBFC00000 |
SP_DMEM_START | 0xA4000000 |
SP_IMEM_START | 0xA4001000 |
KUBASE | 0x00000000 |
K0BASE | 0x80000000 |
K1BASE | 0xA0000000 |
K2BASE | 0xC0000000 |
UT_VEC | 0x80000000 |
R_VEC | 0xBFC00000 |
XUT_VEC | 0x80000080 |
ECC_VEC | 0x80000100 |
E_VEC | 0x80000180 |
OS_READ | 0 |
OS_WRITE | 1 |
G_IM_FMT_YUV | 1 |
G_IM_FMT_CI | 2 |
G_IM_FMT_IA | 3 |
G_IM_FMT_I | 4 |
G_IM_SIZ_4b | 0 |
G_IM_SIZ_8b | 1 |
G_IM_SIZ_16b | 2 |
G_IM_SIZ_32b | 3 |
G_TT_NONE | 0x0000 |
G_TT_RGBA16 | 0x8000 |
G_TT_IA16 | 0xC000 |